Chapter 4

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Today was a new day, right? It was a chance to meet new people and find a way to become a part of the community. Even if Carmel Springs wasn't my forever, I could still be a part of something while I was here. With social media, even if I did decide to leave, I could take my new friends with me.

After disinfecting and wiping down the pull-up bar, I turned to move onto the next piece of machinery when I collided with a wall of pure muscle.

Strong hands immediately latched onto my arms to keep me from falling over, and when I looked up, I knew that this had to be one of the Campions that Lee had told me about yesterday. The guy was well over six-feet tall, had hair as black as night, and eyes the color of liquid mercury. He kind of reminded me a little of Dom Fenison, but with darker features. The sexy god also had dimples, swoon.

"Are you okay?" he asked, and it took me a second to remember how to talk.

"Uh...yeah, I', I'm good," I stuttered, straightening.

He let go of my arms, eyeing me. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I'm-"

"Way to knock the poor girl down, Quest."

Looking over at the new voice, it was easy to see that these two were related. I also knew who the newcomer was. He looked just like the wall of muscle, but had light brown eyes, not grey. Remembering everything that Lee had said yesterday, this gorgeous being had to be Bennett Campion. Grey eyes or not, he looked just as hot as his brother. Whatever was in the water of Carmel Springs, they could bottle it up and sell it for millions.

"Because I did it on purpose?" Quest huffed, his voice deep and raspy.

Bennett grinned. "I wouldn't blame you if you did." The rake tossed me a sexy wink, and it was clear to see this one was the most dangerous of the two. He also had a deep set of dimples.

I stuck my hand out. "Rogue Santana," I said, introducing myself. "I'm Lee's newest employee."

Quest took my hand and shook it. "I'm Quest Campion and this is my brother, Bennett," he replied. "It's nice to meet you, Rogue Santana."

"It's nice to meet you, Quest Campion," I returned, then looking over at Bennett added, "It's also nice to meet you, Bennett Campion."

Bennett grabbed my hand, then kissed the back of it like a regency gentleman and it had me laughing when Quest said, "Knock it off, Bennett."

Letting go of my hand, he asked, "What? What'd I do?"

Before Quest could explain the offense, another voice came up from behind me, and I could feel my lungs seize when Maxwell Colter said, "You put your lips on my girl, Campion."

Instead of looking nervous, Bennett just grinned. "So, the rumors are true, huh?"

That had me turning to face Maxwell. "What rumors?"

He raised a brow. "Well, if you're done drooling over Bennett and Quest, I'll be happy to tell you."

That got a thirteenth-century gasp out of me. "I was not drooling-"

"You let the man kiss the back of your hand," Maxwell drawled out.

"I...what?" He could not be serious. "What do-"

"We'll let you love birds talk," Bennett said, tossing me another wink, and the man was definitely trouble.

"We're not love birds," I clarified. "I just met the guy yesterday."

Quest let out a heavy sigh. "And ten minutes afterwards, it was all over town that Maxwell Colter was off the market." Quest shook his head. "You might as well give in gracefully, Rogue."

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