Chapter 10

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When I had pulled up to Colter Security, I wasn't sure what I'd been expecting, but fancy hadn't been it. Well, maybe high-tech was a better description. While the outside looked beautifully manicured and professional, the inside lobby looked warm and inviting, though very sophisticated.

"Lloyd Thatcher," the stunning guy at the reception desk said. "How may I help you?"

"Uhm, I'm...I'm Rogue Santana," I said, introducing myself. "I was wondering if Maxwell was free?"

Lloyd got a confused look on his gorgeous face. "Why didn't you just text him?" he asked. "I mean, you are the girlfriend, right?"

Well, okay.


The only other door in the room opened, and I could only stare as more gorgeousness slapped me in the face. My mind immediately knew who they were, and while I should have been prepared since I knew that they owned the place, holy crap. I wondered how many women in this town had ever fantasized about being the meat to their bread. While none of the brothers could compare to Maxwell, that didn't mean that they weren't all hot as lava.

Sweet Jesus.

"He's always been a little shit," one of them said, not sure who was who. "He's lucky he's got a genius IQ, or else I'd kick his ass."

"Dude, you were just as much of a pain in the ass when Arden wanted to dump you, so knock it off and give him some slack," the other said.

"Maxwell's girlfriend is here," Lloyd announced, causing both men to stop bickering and look my way. "And since she didn't text him, I'm assuming that their fighting and that's why Maxwell's acting like a world-class asshole today."

Christ, would the mortification never stop?

"I'm Trayce and that's Keats," Trayce Colter said, introducing them both, though if they were dressed alike, I'd never be able to tell which was which. "Whatever the fuck Maxwell did wrong, forgive him before I have to kick his ass."

Coming clean, I said, "Well, it''s my fault that we're fighting-"

"Not in this family, it is," Trayce said, echoing the same thing that Clayton had said last night. "Now, just forgive the kid before I have to put hands on him."

It was said with such love that it was hard for me to believe that he would ever hurt Maxwell. As I met more and more Colters, it was easy to see how close they all were.

"Uhm...well, last night-"

"Rogue, can I be honest with you?" Trayce asked.

I nodded. "Sure."

"No one gives a shit about last night," he said, and I could feel my face turning red again. "And before you think that Clayton went around spreading gossip, he didn't."

"He was actually scolding us, blaming us for setting a bad example for Max," Keats finished. "He thinks we're the reason that last night happened."

"I can't wait until Clay falls in love," Trayce cackled like an old witch. "He's going to owe us all an apology for judging our relationships."

" things like last night happen a lot around you men?" I asked, though last night was completely my fault. I was the one that hadn't wanted to wait for a bed.

"If the Carmel Springs CSI team were to come in here and scan a blue light in either Keats' or Trayce's offices, the rooms would light up like deranged Christmas trees," Lloyd answered, daring either man to deny it. "The only saving grace that this town has is that women are more conscious about that shit than men are, so the bakery and veterinary clinic are definitely cleaned and sanitized daily. If not, I'd operate on my dog myself and never eat another donut again in my life. Luckily, Mr. Kendall still spends enough time at the hardware store to keep Jax from violating Layne while she's at work."

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