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Maxwell – (One Month Later)~

The place was packed.

Seriously packed.

Luckily, the backyard was big enough to hold everyone, but once grandchildren came into the picture, it was going to be a tight fit. As I scanned the yard, I seriously considered seeing if I could buy our backyard neighbors out, making it easier to expand Dad's property. We'd be able to put in a pool, maybe a pool house and gazebo.

"What are you doing?" Rogue asked.

"Redesigning Dad's property in my head," I answered. "Once we start giving Dad grandkids, we're going to need more space."

Rogue smiled. "It is a lot."

Between us all, there was now twelve of us, and once Clayton got serious with someone, that would make thirteen. With a couple of kids between us each...yeah, we were going to need to expand.

Wrapping my arm around Rogue's waist, I pulled her closer. "Still celebrating?" I asked, chuckling at her margarita.

"You know it," she chuckled back.

Earlier last week, her social media fitness account had started blowing up with reports of Calvin Wesley getting sued for all kinds of shady business dealings. It'd been a wonderful sense of vindication for Rogue, and with lots of her gym clients praising her personalization therapy techniques-me included-Rogue's success had been growing while Calvin's had begun collapsing around him.

Gotta love karma.

So, with my shoulder healed, Rogue living with me, our lives in Carmel Springs were good ones. She had even agreed to marry me, believing that we had time. However, the joke was on her because Dad had accidentally slipped about the reason for his barbecue.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Brett announced, and I could only smile at my brother. I was so fucking happy for him that it was hard to sit still. "I'd like to make an announcement."

Everyone quieted down as Brett grabbed Addie, hauling her up next to him. "Though she still hasn't agreed to marry me, I've set a date for the wedding."

Everyone started clapping and celebrating, except for Rogue. "Wait," she whispered up at me. "Addie really hasn't agreed to marry him? That...that wasn't a joke?"


"I'm so confused," she mumbled.

"It's the only way that Brett can think of to redeem himself in her eyes," I explained. "My brother is willing to plan a wedding without the guarantee that Addie will show up."

"Why?" Rogue looked so confused. "I mean, how humiliating if she doesn't show up."

"That's the point, baby," I told her. "Addie's been humiliated by this town for so long that Brett's willing to be her revenge if it'll make her feel better. He's willing to let her humiliate him if it'll help heal what this town has done to her."

Rogue's eyes started to water. "Oh, God...that's...that's the most...incredible thing that I've ever heard, Max."

I turned, taking her face in my hands. "Baby, something that you should know about us if you don't already know; when we love, it's with everything that we have." I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "I will never know another woman after you, and that's exactly how my brothers feel about their fiancés. So, while it might seem like Brett is doing something special, he's not. He's just loving Addie the only way that he knows how."

"I love you, Maxwell," she said tearfully. "I'm really glad I gave you a second chance to make a first impression."

I let out a soft chuckle. "Baby, you never had a choice," I told her. "There was no way that I was going to let you go. Especially, after you accused me of having issues with women."

Rogue laughed. "You were such an asshole."

"But you love me," I said. "And that's all that matters."

"That's all that matters," she agreed, and that was good enough for me.

 The End.

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