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Reader x Lucifer

"I can do this." You whisper to yourself as you walk toward Lucifer's room. You wanna ask him out on a date to the ice skating rink but have been putting it off in fear of rejection. Now, you finally have enough courage to ask him. You stop in front of his door, pausing for a second before knocking. You hear a bit of shuffling before Lucifer opens the door, welcoming you in.

"Oh, M/n. Please, come in. Have a seat anywhere you'd like." He smiles, closinging the door after you walk in. You make your way over to his bed, sitting on the edge and pating the space next to you. Lucifer sits next to you, picking up on your nervousness and taking your hand in his.

"What is it, m/n?" He looks deep into your eyes with concern and worry. You take a long breath, clearing your throat before looking back at Lucifer.

"Would you like to go ice skating with me next Saturday? Like, just me. Like a.... date?" You quaked, eagerly awaiting his response. His eyes widen for a second before he closes them and let's out a giggle.

"I would love to." He smiles, giving you a kiss on the cheek. Your face is dusted with a light pink as your ears heat up.


You and Lucifer are on your way to the rink. You walk down the side of the road, making sure to watch where you're going so you don't get lost. You look around, reading a few signs before you spot the ice skating rink. You grab Lucifer's hand, guiding him behind you as you make your way to the front of the building. You take him inside, getting both your skates and heading to the rink. The two of you find some seats to sit in while you tie your skates and walk over to them.

You finish tying your skates before Lucifer, so you look over to see how he's doing. He finishes tying his a few moments later, but instead of getting up, he just sits there. You look down at him, confused. He seems to notice this and looks everywhere but your eyes.

"Can you help me up, please?" He sighs, a generous amount of pink litters his face. You giggle and take his hands in yours, pulling him up from the seat. He stumbles a bit, not being used to the skates yet, and has to put most of his weight on you. He seems very embarrassed by the situation. He's always been so great at everything he does. Not being perfect must be a first for him. You help him waddle to the ice, holding onto his hands and not letting go. You touch the ice first, standing steady as you wait for Lucifer to step forward onto the rink.
He barely makes it onto the rink before sliding towards you, shakily. You can tell he's going to fall, so you grab his hips to steady him. Once he's balanced, he hesitantly takes your hands in his and pulls you alongside him as he begins to skate. He's very slow and careful about what he's doing, not wanting to fall. He shuffles his feet on the ice, keeping a tight grasp on your hand.

'He's so cute.' You think to yourself, watching him focus on not falling. You've never seen this side of him before. He's stumbling along, flustered and slightly annoyed. You've finally found something you can do better than him. You see him lose balance and slip backward. You wrap your arm around his waist and grab onto the railing of the rink, catching him before he can get too close to the ground.

"Hello there." You giggle, practically dipping Lucifer. He grunts in frustration as you pull him up. Your smile turns to a frown as you see him scowl.

"Let's take a coffee break." You sigh, taking his hand and leading him off of the ice and towards one of the small booths inside the building, near the rink. Lucifer clings onto your arm as the two of you slowly walk to a table. Lucifer sits down while you get two coffees.

"Are you okay?" You question once you're both situated with your coffee at the table. Lucifer takes a sip from his coffee.

"I can't recall ever being this bad at anything. It's surprisingly frustrating. I can't seem to keep my balance. Likewise, watching others glide flawlessly is equally discouraging." He sighs, taking another sip of his coffee. You reach your hand across the table to grab his, making eye contact as you speak.

"You don't have to be perfect at everything. If you're not having fun, we can leave. I'm happy as long as I'm with you." You bring his hand to your lips, planting a soft kiss before taking a sip of your coffee. The tips of his ears turn red as he looks away from you. He takes a deep breath, standing himself up and waddling over to your side of the table before pulling you up. Now that the two of you are standing, you wrap your arms around his waist, looking at him with anticipation. He rests his hands on your forearms, slowly leaning in. Your eyes go to his lips before closing. As soon as you close your eyes, you feel Lucifer press his chapped lips on yours. You wrap your arms all the way around his back as his arms move to rest on your shoulders. After just a few seconds, the two of you break away. You leave a soft kiss on Lucifer's cheek and look him in the eyes once more.

"You're so red right now." You chuckle, watching his face go from slight blush to crimson in half a second. He takes his hands off of you and slowly returns to his seat with a sigh.

"I really like you, Lucifer." You say, a blush spreading across your face.

"I really like you too, m/n."



"Stop that right now." My mom says.

I stare at her intensly. Then, she speaks once more.

"Love is a normal part of life. For example, me and your father-"





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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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Male Character x male reader (Twst, Obey Me, and Haikyuu)Where stories live. Discover now