Story Bit 16-Moonlight Chicken-Chicken Rice Dinner

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Moonlight Chicken-Chicken Rice Dinner

"Thank you for the chicken rice treat...," Alan's voice trailed off, not really sure what else he should say beyond this. He didn't expect to actually dine with Khun Gaipha, his latest and probably quickly rising in the rank, his favorite customer. And the fact that it was at the diner truck belonging to his ex-boyfriend Wen's new boyfriend, that Jim whatever. Alan still doesn't get what's so great about the man who is definitely at least a decade older than him and why Wen insisted on him over Alan but it was question that is fading in importance recently. 

Ever since Alan met Khun Gaipha, he knew almost immediately what he was feeling wasn't something ordinary. It wasn't the like of a customer or a friend. It was something more. Alan was reminded how he felt when he first met Wen. It was something similar. His love relationship was a memory and experience in itself with plenty of its bittersweet moments of course. 

But since he decided to move on, which he himself was surprised moving on was with him, all he could think about is this new customer of his. Khun Gaipha's occupation as a chicken meat seller and butcher might be what a lot of people would call it, crude work but to Alan, he was wondering, how does this smaller, petite man can handle such a heavy cleaver knife chopping away chicken after chicken and probably heaving a lot dead chicken from boxes of polystyrenes moving them around for his business. And all this, he did it with smiles. Like now...

"No problem at all, Khun Alan khrub. I mean, you did come out all the way to this area to see me plus it's definitely after work for you so buying you dinner is the least I can do," his Khun Gaipha said with a smile. Alan noticed how his smiles makes Khun Gaipha looks younger than his 25 years old of age. Not that he is that much older than him, just 3 years. 

"It was my pleasure. I was around the neighborhood too," Alan lied. "And partially it was my fault for getting the documents ready late and I was wondering if I was a bother to you texting you so late in the evening," another lie. The documents were ready way earlier. It was Alan procrastinating and delaying in delivering the document. The logic was, if he called Khun Gaipha during normal business working hours, he can't spend too much time with this man. But he risked an evening after work meet, maybe....just maybe...

"You're just a very responsible banker Khun Alan. I'm really grateful you reminded me so many things. Honestly, it was mostly my late mother handling everything about the house and our financials...Without you...I wouldn't know even where to get sorted," Alan noticed Khun Gaipha looking away trying not to show tears building up for the young man. Talking about his deceased mother is definitely still a sore spot for him, Alan noticed.  

"It's my honor to help in any way I can...your late mother was an important client of ours and I'll do anything I can to help you get everything sorted out," Alan said. Khun Gaipha turned to look at him, as he blinked his tears away and whispered a sincere thank you. They continued their walk in comfortable silence. 

Okay, probably a comfortable one for Khun Gaipha but not Alan. There are one thousand and one questions that Alan wanted to ask about Khun Gaipha but he was more concerned of not creeping the younger man out. Take it easy, Alan reminded himself. 

Khun Gaipha has offered to walk Alan to the spot to wait for his ordered ride. Alan thought of dissuading but in the end thought, why say no to Khun Gaipha's offer since he was the one wants to get to know this young man more? So he graciously accepted the walk offer. It was short but it was moments Alan cherished. How has he felt like this since his relationship began to sour with Wen? 

"Is this the spot where your ordered car will arrive?" Khun Gaipha asked when the reached a side of the road. The shop houses surrounding the road are all closed. Sometimes, Alan forgets how quiet these areas are. It was just how long since he bothered to notice anything but his work....or obsessing whether Wen's heart was still his or not. 

"Oh yes. I think this should be the correct waiting spot. The car is en-route, 3 minutes. Thank you Khun Gaipha, for walking me here, you don't have to, really...," Alan said apologetically. Khun Gaipha shook his head. 

"Not a problem. I know I don't have to but....I just I want to...," Alan stopped. 

What does Khun Gaipha mean by that?

"Khun Gaipha....I...,"

"Oh, a car's here. Will that be your ride?" before I could finish my sentence, indeed, a car approached us and Khun Gaipha noticed it first. Geez, what a timing. Alan regret ordering his ride so fast. The car stopped in front of them after Alan checked his phoned and flagged it down. 

As he was about to climb in,  Alan knew he should say something. Anything. Any excuse to continue the possibility of him meeting Khun Gaipha. 

"Umm...Khun you think..., you'll be open to an invitation for drinks?" Alan blurted out. Khun Gaipha took a moment to think. 

"Sure, is there anything that I missed out that I need to know about my mother's estates?" Khun Gaipha asked again, smiling. Gosh. Alan wanted to stare at the smiling face longer if he could. 

Now or never, Alan, he told himself. 

"Everything is in order for your mother's estates. The invitation to's...just a casual invite...if you don't mind to meet me...not as a banker or client...,"Alan turned around the bush. He didn't want to mention the word friends nor does he want to suggest it too blatantly as a date. 

Only when Khun Gaipha smiled that Alan can start to breath. 

"Sure, I would love to! Do let me know when you will be available then," Alan nodded, probably like an idiot but he doesn't care. Khun Gaipha agreed to go out for drinks with him. Not as a client or banker. As something else....whatever it might turn to be. 

"I'll do that, Khun Gaipha, thank you so much!" Alan said as he wai-ed the younger man who responded back. "Then I guess I'll go first. Please go home safely," Alan reminded Khun Gaipha who smiled. 

"Don't worry about me. These streets are super safe. You go home safely too. Text me when you arrive okay? Goodnight," Khun Gaipha said and attempted to help Alan close the door. Before he could close the door, Khun Gaipha leaned in, "Oh one more thing, can I request something?" 

Their faces was close. Alan thought his heart skipped a beat. 


"Is it okay if you call me Gaipha? Khun makes me sound so old," Khun Gaipha, no, Gaipha, gave him smile again. If Alan was a tad braver, all he has to do to claim those lips was to lean up. 

Instead, he swallowed. 

" should call me Alan too...," Alan said. 

"Sure...P'Alan khrub. I hope you don't mind...since you're older than me and it's weird me calling someone older just by name," Alan nodded like an idiot.

"Not a problem...Gaipha...," Gaipha said his goodbye one last time and closed the door for Alan. 

As the car started to move, Alan turned back to see Gaipha still standing around until the car turned to a corner and he disappeared from view. He quickly took out his phone. While he was pondering what to write, he got a text instead. 

[Looking forward to have drinks with you na, P'Alan ❤]

A love emoji! To Alan, that's a sign. 

Happily he started to type out and retype his response. 

Maybe this is the start of something new for the both of them. 


Yukichi's Note: I am not sure but of so many stories from GMMTV BL collection, Moonlight Chicken for me is so much fun to write. Maybe because there's so much untold. P'Aof need to pitch in Season 2 for this, really. 

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