Story Bit 57-Only Friends Insert 11-Again: AU Story Part 2 (BostonNick)

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Our Skyy 2 Story Bit

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Only Friends Insert 11-Again: AU Story Part 2 (BostonNick)


My friends call me Nick. My family's name is a little complicated to pronounce so I'll just skip that. When I was born, I had what people called, the lion's mane hair where my hair was super thick and really curly. So growing up, my nickname was Kim's Weirdo Hairy Boy.  Kim was my father's name and because of my messy hair and somewhat introverted personality, I became the weird boy with really messy curly hair hence the nickname. 

Growing up, like any other boy who is into boys, I knew right away that I prefer boys than girls because when my friends my age started getting too deep into porn, I remembered I was way too engrossed on the male actors and all their anatomy glory instead of the females'. And I was never bothered to look at any girls even though I was surrounded by a lot of girls in school. Let me share how that happened. There used to be a boy from elementary school who I thought was my best friend at school. We would do everything together, playing games, doing homework (mostly me copying him), eating here and there, playing pranks here and there and then watching porn (mostly he made me watch it and I only agree because I was eager to see the actors too).  

When we were tweleve, one fine day, a girl from class confessed to me. Typical puppy love confession of our age of course. Since it was my first time, naturally I consulted him. Long story short, he thought it was a prank and asked me to reject her. I did just that because I trusted him. Then not long after rumours were going round that he was going out with her. I confronted him crying. One thing I realized then was I wasn't upset that he was dating her. I was upset he didn't like me more. That's when I knew, chasing after boys was definitely my calling. 

My first experience with a boy was with a senior. He was cool and naturally handsome. We were badminton playmates at the school badminton club and we hit it right of. I kinda like him at first as a senior because he was the one who encouraged me to have a makeover. I got rid of my curly hair, changed the way I dress, walk and talk. I must say, he was like a mentor to me, helping me gain my confidence and build the image I want of myself. I never regretted giving my first time to him. He was gentle with me and taught me how sex should and can be enjoyable. It was that one and only time. Then he left the country to go study. I lost contact with him since. It wasn't true love between us that's for sure but it wasn't a bad experience or memory either. I rather thought I was lucky to have him as the one who gave me my first experience. 

I might look like someone who has too much fun but in reality, I am much more tamer and timid than that. Sure, when it comes to sex, I know all the theory and watched enough porn to teach me what I needed to know but when it comes to practical stuff, I don't believe I know enough. Once in a while I go on dates with guys I match from dating apps and if the feel is right, well, I didn't mind spending the night with them. Thank goodness I haven't met a psycho yet and most nights were relatively pleasant and fun. Still from all these nightly fun I had I just learned one thing, it can be a little lonely when you wake up alone in a room after literally just connecting with someone in the most intimate way. 

So when I met Boston, I thought it was supposed to be a one time thing. The usual. 


Let me tell you a secret. I knew the existence of this man way before he came to my IT shop. I study IT in college and the business building and the IT are literally opposite each other but we are conected by one foodcourt so rumours tend to fly during meal breaks. I have heard enough of this campus playboy called Boston and the bar that he frequents. I am definitely not a bar going person but once, my silly thirsty girlfriends dragged me to be their chaperone so they can drink and lust over the bar singer called Sand. Oh, later Sand became my friend since well, I was usually the only sober one after my girls passed out drinking to convey their undying love to Sand. Sand's a pretty cool guy but he's another chapter of story to tell. 

Anyway, I would see Boston from afar most time but I never had the nerves to go approach him. Because...well...he and I, we are just from such different worlds. There he was, the hottest guy in the club, well, not really the hottest but definitely the most charismatic guy I have seen. I have seen him pick guys, beautiful, handsome and of all shapes and sizes and most of the time, he walks away with someone. I can only dream of approaching people like him. As if he would even pay attention to people like me. 

So imagine my surprise when he came to my shop to repair his cracked his phone. While I do believe in running my business etiquettely but opportunities like this are hard to pass no? So I lied to him saying his phone needed mor time to fix than usual, citing the need to order parts. Technically, I only half lied. It was true his phone was messed up and I definitely need the extra time but the lie was, I had all the parts to fix them. 

Anyway, I got his name and way to contact him. Boston, the name of a very vibrant city. Like the name, he was a vibrant person too, from the way he took selfies of himself. Only one word to describe him, confidence. Boston was someone who definitely knew the effect he has on people. 

The more I flipped through his photo gallery (it is a must of course, or else, what's the point of getting his password if I don't take this chance to snoop?), the more I felt my body react to him. My desire for him, grew. Grew to the point where I decided to take a very racy photo of myself post self loving myself courtesy of his selfies. I wanted him to notice me, very badly. 

Long story short, we fucked at the next meeting. I didn't know where I got the guts or the courage to seduce him the way I did but he took the bait and I was happy. He did things to me that I have never experienced in that short span of forbidden moments in the shop. It was an exciting and exhilarating experience for me, having sex in my very own shop when a customer can just walk in on us but hey, we did what our instinct told us that day. 

Another long story short, we became friends with benefits. Our bodies were compatible but when it comes to the matter of the heart, Boston isn't one I can tie down so in the end, it was decided that he should go to New York to do his photography and wished him well. 

I didn't even send him off at the airport though I was hiding at the corner watching him leave for the departure gates. Even though I have decided to let him go and put myself first, it was easier said than done. After Boston left, Sand and Karn were the few people who knew how bad a shape I was in for months.  All I did was cry and day dream. Was I depresssed for months? Hell yeah. 

Then P'Dan came to my life. I failed him once when I gave Boston the second chance he didn't deserve and I rejected P'Dan who was genuine the first time. The second round, I convinced myself to not dismiss P'Dan again and we dated as boyfriends. 

We lasted 1.5 years. Then he cheated. I can't blame him compeletely. I wasn't emotionally invested in our relationship even though physically we were really compatible. I guess I was the Boston in our relationship though our split were much more amiable. How we remained friends, well, it was purely miracle. We were too good as a working team so work wise, I had no problem working with P'Dan at all and we hardly spoke about us during work. 

So, how did we become bed friends again? Well, it was during a very heavy and high tension project. I guess we were both overwhelmed and tired and we were both seeking something to release our stress so the next best thing was to...sleep with each other. 

We never really mentioned why and what we should do about sleeping with each other. It just happens and when we reject each other, life moves on. I guess I prefer arrangment like this. Less hassle. For me, my mantra is,  "no expectation no pain".

That's right. As long as I don't expect anything from anyone, I don't have to go through the pain too. I expected too much from Boston and made myself cry and suffer. With P'Dan, it was more clear and simple. 

It was an obvious choice really, between choosing P'Dan or longing for Boston. 

Alas, that's what they say, girls, or boys too, sometimes love a bad bad boy. 

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