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Author's pov......



So that's how the vamp set off from the place to her destination with the given explicit map. And yeah the place treacherous then any other. Why, you will see.

First the way is from a black sea which is really black. And the problem is that it's frozen. The water beneath the ice is really poisonous it's one drop on your skin and you are dead. The death will be dolorous. One wrong step and the death.

" You have to be so cautious when you step there the distance you have to cover is 10 knots which is not easy you can't use your powers there and if you try they will not work" now the words are ringing in her mind.

The worst part is they can't even turn in their bat form because as they are different this blessing is not given to any other vampire.

Now is standing on the shore in front of the waters. Well it in not actually a sea but a lake named as black sea. There was the blanket of dew above the lake making it difficult to see far.

If the first step is this much hard then what will happen in next ones. She sighed and try to put her left foot on the ice which luckily didn't break then she put another one and now she was fully standing on the ice.

She breath with relief and with slow pace she walked ahead. So much carefully she was stepping forth. The atmosphere was also falling low making her shiver.

Five minutes passed and she was still walking suddenly she heard a roar she flinched and looked around to see the ice far from her in her left side was broken and there was big hole in it.

This dried her soul and now she have to be more careful. She sighed and was about to turn back to see how far she is from the shore when suddenly.

" Don't look back when you are walking on the ice or else it will drag you back from where you have started and you will not even get the idea" and she with a jerk turn her face ahead.

She again started to take little baby steps not to trigger the ice.

Suddenly a griffin passed from there making a badlem of chirrupings plus the sound of his huge wings made a good sound to trigger the ice and as the result the ice triggered and cracks erupted one by one in line towards the vamp from behind.

" Shit!" She cussed and ran fast as she could without her powers. The ice was forwarding to her with haste pace and the shore was not in the vision still.

" Ohh Goddess help me" she muttered and ran as fast her strength will take her her stamina was draining with every step. Suddenly the dew vanished and she saw the bank of land a ray of hope.

She sighed in relief and fastened her pace more she has to do it she has to live for the one waiting for her on the earth.
Her feet were aching so bad. Just some steps and she will be there.

Suddenly she felt the land beneath her feet got so light and was about to break. It scared her and she felt it. The ice drowned with her in the lake. But she grabbed the edge of the remained ice. The ice was so thick and the water a bit deep so it gave her some space to not ro touch the poisonous water.

She tried to climb it but seems like it will be so hard to complete.

" Please" she muttered and with stamina and strength in her she lifted herself up and put her one leg on the ice and finally she climbed the ice. She laid for sometime on the ice only to breath some relief.

She now stood up and ran to the shore and within some minutes she reached now it was the time to relief and happiness.

Level one completed.....

The Unknown II ( back for vengeance)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt