More Bonding

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It was late afternoon, I was tired, hungry and sore from spending days traveling through the shadows. At least I didn't have to suffer too badly from the cold on my journey.

Most of the gear and money I carried with me, I had taken from dead men. Men I had killed. Quite easily too. Only the clothes on my back and the lantern on my belt were truly mine.

My shadows tugged impatiently at my skin, urging me to go towards the fortress before me. I dropped into the shadows once more and made my way inside.

A woman was pacing around the room as she mumbled to herself. She noticed me and walked up to me, pulling me into a hug.

"Liu'er! I don't know what to do! I made a grave mistake and I don't know if I can fix it this time!" The woman said frantically, squeezing me in her arms.

"Calm down. What happened? What was the emergency? Also, how bad was it?"

"I kissed the Demon Bull King!" She shouted as her face became flushed.


"I know! It was stupid! But- Oh! Who am I kidding, I'm done for! He's the enemy of the celestial realm and the sworn brother of The Monkey King who we are going to war against! What is wrong with me!" She let go of me and began to pace around the room once more.

I hesitated. "How did you feel? When you kissed the Demon Bull King?"

She looked at me like I said something stupid but softened when she remembered what happened that day.

"Oh, Mihou. It felt like the best decision of my life at the time. Like nothing in this world mattered except for us two." She said with a love sick smile on her face.

Then her eyes hardened and she frowned. "But now that I can actually think about it. It was a mistake. We can't ever be together." Her eyes became glossy and I could feel my heart break at her defeated look.

"I see."

I turned away from her and looked out the balcony window. I dropped my glamour and extended my hearing to listen for the demon king.

"You do know that he is going to war with the celestial realm, yes? The realm you are fighting for? The realm you come from?"

She kept silent for a few minutes before she responded. "Yes. But I love him, Mihou."

I exhaled.

"I understand."

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