16 | Memory Lane

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"Evelyn do you remember anything about Mom?" Theodore questions.

"Little random to ask that. Not really though, I remember seeing her a few times but nothing more than that." I answered.

"She passed away not too long after you were born." He said quietly.

"Theodore, if you don't mind me asking, what was she really like?" I ask, he looks up at me in complete shock.

"She's uh... just like flowers, She brought color and joy to our life. Her presence made everything brighter and more vibrant, and her love and care nurtured our growth. But like the sun she was the source of warmth and light, she was the source of comfort and guidance. She provided us with the support and encouragement we needed to face life's challenges and grow into the best version of ourselves..." He stopped, I notice the tears in his eyes about to fall, the way he described her was so beautiful.

I really wish I could've seen more of her.

"Mom was a true blessing, Evelyn. I miss her everyday." He sniffled, rubbing his eyes and looking away from me.

"I'm so sorry. You lost her young," I put my arm around him, trying to comfort him the best of my ability, "You lost her too."

"Yes, but you knew her much better than I did. Theodore when you described her you used words that I thought you'd never know the meaning to." I make a joke.

He smiled, "I've wrote journals about her a lot for the past few years, I've had some practice."

"Did you ever write about Dad?" I muttered, half of me hoping he wouldn't hear that question.

"No." He answered coldly, his tone changed quickly, he looked down at the floor with no expression on his face.

"I'm sorry to ask."

"You didn't deserve to grow up with him. He should've died before her. If you and I would've grown up with Mom longer maybe there wouldn't so much trauma in the family." He tried to laugh it off but I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Everything happens for a reason, Theodore." I rubbed his back as he tensed.

"You believe that? It wasn't fair that she's gone! And he got to live... he hurt you." He yelled.

"But I'm okay now. We got out, we're here and we're safe with amazing people who surround us." I softly smiled.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just miss her so damn much." The tears finally came that he had been holding in.

"It'll be okay," I hugged him, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you before." He whispered.

"Theodore you always protected me. You did everything you could, I love you okay?" I reassured.

"I love you too Ev."

"You know... I told her I liked a girl once, and she told me to run up to her and just kiss her right on the lips just because I could and I wanted to see what it felt like." He laughed at the memories.

"Wow, she had a way with words."

"Promise me something?" He inquired.

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