82 | Want And Need

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warning ; MATURE CONTENT!!!!!!!

"Professor Dumbledore? No. I already asked him about Grindelwald, he told me everything." I shook my head.

"Did he? Professor Dumbledore couldn't have explained the whole truth..." Hermione spoke.

"Yeah, and he lied about your real parents for a long time. Who knows what else he's hiding." Ron chimes in with the conversation:

"We can figure this out tomorrow. It's late, you guys should get some rest, I really appreciate your help." I look around, my glance stopping at Mattheo, who sat at his desk, reading and writing down things to help me find Grindelwald.

Theodore clears his throat, "Yeah. We'll see you tomorrow Ev, goodnight."

"Goodnight." I smiled, watching everyone leave Mattheo's dorm, he wasn't a big fan of his dorm being crowded anyway.

I lock the door on everyone's way out, turning back to Mattheo who looked pretty annoyed.

"What's wrong, hm?" I start, putting my hand on his shoulder and massaging the tense spot.

He shrugs my hand away, "I'm fine."

"Look at me." I demand, he tilts his head up in annoyance, his expression showing complete irritation.

"What's with the attitude, hmm?" I hummed, looking down at him, his right leg bouncing up and down at a quick pace.

"I don't have a fucking attitude. Dealing with your friends all night gives me a headache, every time they speak I just want to hex them or punch them in the mouth."

He looks straight ahead at the wall, his hands gripping onto the arms of the chair.

Someone had made him very angry tonight.

"Well I'm sorry, but my friends were helping me. We don't have to do it in your dorm next time. Plus, they didn't bother you before, is there something you're not telling me?" I ask, I was extremely confused, I thought he was okay.

"I rather do it here so I know you're safe, and no one will try anything." He responds.

I started to get frustrated that he wouldn't even make eye contact with me, he rather stare at a blank wall.

"Mattheo they're my friends, they wouldn't try anything." I scoff.

"I don't trust like you do Evelyn. I already have people in my fucking ear telling me shit."

"Telling you what? And who?" So it wasn't my friends, that was just an excuse to hide his real problem.

He doesn't answer.

I grab his jaw, forcing him to look at me, "Telling you what Mattheo?"

He suddenly stands up and I'm now looking up at him, "That you'd be better with Cedric, Lorenzo or anyone else that you've fucking been with."

"It's always been you, you know that. There is always going to be someone saying something, we can't change that."

"Yes I can smash their skull in, maybe that will stop them from talking about my relationship." He snapped back at me.

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