36 | The Christmas Party

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The rest of detention with Riddle was silent. I refused to speak or even make a noise.

When the spell was removed from the door, I bolted from the room, disappearing from his sight as fast as I could.

I bolt into the girls lavatory, locking the door behind me. Running my fingers over the red marks his strong grip left on my neck.

Hopefully this spell would hide it.

After that, I didn't hear from him at all for a solid week, I felt the weight being lifted off my shoulders and I could finally breathe.

"Are you going to Professor Slughorn's party?" Maggie asked, only reminding me that now I would not be attending with anyone.

"I don't know. Even if I did, I don't want to see Cedric there, especially if he decided to take Hannah."

"I know you're not for set ups, but I talked to Blaise and he wants to go, and he offered to take you as friends!" Maggie suggests.

"I'll think about it."

"Listen, even Hermione is going." Maggie raises her eyebrows, looking me right in the eye.

With a laugh, I say, "Surprising."

"Alright. Well while you're still thinking about it, would you at least come with us to look at dresses?" She asks.

"I guess so."

Arriving at Diagon Alley, Maggie went crazy over dresses, Hermione and I had to sit there watch her try on a billion of different styles and colors of dresses.

And then I saw it, the perfect dress. Navy blue and mixed with a few other colors.

( a picture will be provided at the end )

I immediately fell in love, there was only one dress left and it happened to be my size. I rushed to the dressing room to try it on, looking in the mirror and loving how it looked.

"Ev, wow, you look great." Hermione's face lights up at the sight of the dress.

"Thank you, I think this dress is perfect. I guess I will be attending the party." I smirked.

"Ahh! I'm so happy." Maggie squealed, hugging me tightly from behind.

Hermione went with a dark red dress, going with our house colors and her favorite color.

Maggie went with purple, fitting her pale skin tone and bright eyes.

After buying the dresses, we apparate back to Hogwarts, hanging up our expensive possessions in our closet.

"Do you think you'll be going with Blaise?" Hermione asked, pulling out the pin in her hair.

"I think I'll just go along with you guys honestly, I mean Blaise is great but I don't feel like dancing."

"Well maybe you'll feel different tomorrow."


"Everyone, complete the rest of your textbooks, I will return momentarily. No funny business." Professor Snape demanded, quickly walking out of the room and the door slams behind him, making some students jump.

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