65 | A Disaster Of A Date

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"You wanted to take me here?" She asks, as I remove my hands from her eyes to reveal where we were.

I thought a first date could be a restaurant in Hogsmeade, to grab dinner and then head to the Blake Lake.

"How does a swim after dinner sound?" I smiled down at her, watching her eyes brighten at my words.

"Mattheo Riddle you do know how to be a boyfriend." She laughed, intertwining our fingers, her hand was warm as a comforting feeling fills my body when she touches me.

"I said I would try," I shrugged, leading her to the Three Broomsticks, for once I was in the mood for something, a butter beer.

"Hello Lenora," Evelyn greeted the blonde girl at the entrance, must be a friend.

"Hi! It's nice to see you again. Is this the famous Mattheo Riddle?" She asked with a smile.

"Yes, more famous than Harry Potter." I watched Evelyn smile back before shaking my head.

"Table for two right over here then," Lenora leads the way, placing down two menus on the table in front of us.

"Beverages?" The blonde questions.

"Butter beer." Evelyn and I both say in sync.

"Right away!" She leaves the table to fetch the beverages we ordered. I look over at Evelyn, taken back on how she was looking at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I raise a brow, she continues to look at me, her face turning to clear amusement.

"I've just never seen you nervous." She smirks.

I cleared my throat, "Nervous? Why would I be nervous? Was I nervous when I fucked y—"

She reaches across the table to shush me, glaring at me intensely, "There's people! We are in a public place!"

"Now you're the nervous one." I chuckled, watching her face turn red.

Before she could respond, Lenora had returned with our drinks, setting them on the table.

We order our meal, and once it finally came, I watched Evelyn's face light up, she must have been hungry.

I watch her dig in, when I'm with her, everything else seems to fade into the background.

Time slows as we're the only two people in the world.

The simplest gestures or her touch bring a feeling of comfort, she makes me want to feel, to open up my dreams, thoughts and fears.

These feelings overwhelm me, the word I hate most was beginning to suffocate me.

For a moment, I would be alone and think to myself, if I was falling for her.

But not just that, falling in love with her.

I can't. I can't do that, it isn't possible for me to even feel those kinds of—

"Mattheo? Are you okay?" I let out a breath as I feel her hand on top of mine, snapping me out of whatever I was in.

"Yeah—" I clear my throat, "I'm fine."

"You're sure?" She asks, her head tilting to the side, she was worried.

"Yes. I just don't want this night to end." I looked down, in the corner of my eye I see her lips curve upward to a smile.

"It won't." She reassures, promising that there would be many more nights like this one.

Just as I started to believe her, everything went to hell.

The Ministry Of Magic appears in front of me suddenly as everyone else in the room has mostly fled, Professor Dumbledore by their side, with Evelyn's brother, Theodore.

"Mattheo Marvolo Riddle, I hereby sentence you to life in Azkaban for using the unforgivable Cruciatus Curse on the student, Evelyn Nott." Minister Rufus Scrimgeour spoke loudly.

I look at Evelyn, for a moment I asked myself if she set me up for this and if I was falling for her too hard that I believed her?

"No I didn't do this— I wasn't testifying I told you this!" Evelyn stood up to speak up against Dumbledore.

I couldn't escape with the dementors circling around the restaurant, not this time.

"Ms. Nott, you didn't have to testify." Dumbledore chimes in.

"You can't do this! You don't have proof, he didn't do anything!" She fought and fought for me, but I just sat there, silent.

"We have all the proof we need, Ms. Nott. You see, Mr. Nott here was present during the time the Cruciatus curse was used on you and he gladly stepped up to use the Veritaserum."

My ears ring loudly and everyone's voice became faint, I feel someone grabbing onto my shoulder to force me to get up.

"I didn't— Professor Dumbledore you can't do this! I— I need him! Please don't do this." We're the only words I heard from her, I turn around, her voice becoming completely clear again.

"Mr. Riddle!" I hear my name being yelled, but I didn't react to it, I made my way to her as she was being pulled back by Theodore.

She grasped onto me, and everyone else around me I couldn't hear, I could only hear her and her unhinged breathing.

"I've never wanted something more than I've wanted you," I spoke, quickly but quietly, I knew she heard every word.

"I never thought I could... love... someone, but you changed that, you changed me, and I was too scared to admit it." I gulped, but I kept eye contact for this brief moment.

Now or never.

"I love you, Evelyn." I told her, her mouth was agape but she wasn't able to say anything, I felt my hands being restrained behind my back, with guards following me the way out.

I hear her yell my name over and over again, the last I saw of her was the tears running down her cheeks like the ocean waves wet the sand.

The dementors circle around, we apparate to the dark and cold tower that I would spend the rest of my years in.

I love her, in that moment I knew that I will always love her, there would never be anyone else.

I need her, and she's all I could think about, I was going to find my way out of here, and make my way back to her.




if you didn't read my most recent announcement on my page, starting THIS SUNDAY i will NOT BE ABLE TO POST A CHAPTER FOR A WEEK BECAUSE I WILL BE ON VACATION FOR A WEEK.

that's it! ty for 65k reads <333 Mae

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