Chapter Nine

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     Alcove revved up her black sports car and sped away from the scene as the police sirens wailed behind them. Hallow sat beside her, his face grim with the knowledge that they had been spotted.

"Alcove, what are we going to do?" he asked, his voice tight with fear.

"Don't worry," Alcove replied, trying to keep her voice calm. "I have a plan."

She focused her mind, and in an instant, the car disappeared from sight. They had teleported away from the police and were now on the outskirts of the forest.

"Wow," Hallow said, looking around in amazement. "I forgot how much I missed that."

Alcove smiled, relieved that her teleportation ability had saved them from being caught. But the relief was short-lived. She knew they couldn't stay here for long. The police would be looking for them, and they would need to find a safe place to hide.

"We have to keep moving," she said, starting up the car once more. "We'll have to find a new hideout."

As they drove, Alcove thought about what had gone wrong. How had the police found them? It wasn't until later that she realized the truth. The strand of hair found at the crime scene belonged to one of them, and the police had been looking for them all along. They had kept it quiet, not wanting to alert the public that Hallow was still alive after all these years. "Shit."

Alcove felt a surge of anger at the thought. How dare they try to cover up the truth? But she knew that they had bigger problems to deal with now. The police were on their tail, and they needed to find a way to shake them off.

"We'll be okay," Alcove reassured Hallow, though she wasn't entirely sure if it was true. "We just need to stay one step ahead of them."

Hallow nodded, his face set with determination. "We'll find a way," he said, and Alcove couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for her brother. It wouldn't be long until their relief was torn from their minds by the ever-so-creeping whirring of a helicopter above. Alcove accelerated her car, trying to escape the police helicopter that was now circling above them. She knew they were in serious trouble. The organization's secrets were at risk of being exposed, and they couldn't let that happen.

But just as she was about to turn a corner, police cars appeared out of nowhere, surrounding them. Alcove tried to swerve around them, but one of the cars hit them from the side, causing them to crash into a tree.

The impact was intense, and Alcove's head hit the steering wheel, causing her to black out for a moment. When she came to, she saw police officers running towards them, shouting for them to get out of the car.

Alcove quickly assessed the situation. Hallow was trapped inside the car, and the police were closing in on them. She knew she couldn't risk being caught, so she made a quick decision.

She reached over to Hallow and grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry," she whispered, before using her teleportation ability to disappear.

She reappeared a few blocks away from the crash site, panting and disoriented. She looked back at the crash site, where police officers were now pulling Hallow out of the car.

Alcove knew she had to get out of there as quickly as possible. She started running in the opposite direction, hoping to blend in with the crowd.

But as she was running, she couldn't shake off the guilt of leaving her brother behind. She knew that he would be taken into custody and that he would be interrogated, tortured, and possibly killed for the organization's secrets.

Tears streamed down Alcove's face as she ran. She didn't know what was going to happen to her or her brothers, but she knew that their lives would never be the same again.

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