Chapter 2

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Author's note:

I love symphonic metal, you might have noticed. But there is actually a reason for this song to be here, as this is the song I wrote the dance on. So do listen to it while reading this chapter. The lyrics is also quite fitting.

If wattpad won't work along, it's Deep Silent Complete by Nightwish

The sun had set and the longest night had begun.

Neri wasn't the only one feeling nervous for the upcoming dance. It had to be absolutely perfect. And even though during the practise this had always been the case, you could never be certain till after the fact.

"Ready, Neri?"

The whispered question came from beside Neri, but when she turned no one was there. Joining her cousins in preparation for the dance, she ignored the whispered word. Probably a prank from one of the children that had seen her nerves.

The music started, well the priestess began to vocalise. The instruments joined her and once the first words were spoken did the dance begin.

In intricate patterns they moved, practised beyond perfection. The crowd watched in absolute silence as the waves softly hit the beach.

Neri danced with the utmost attention, no faults could be made. Her mind was so absorbed by the music, that she didn't hear the voice whispering her name again.

The priestess began to vocalise again as the next part of the song began.

The dancers had manoeuvred themselves during that period, ready for Neri to help them take off in flight. During the next verse they would dance in the air, among the stars.

They were so light as Neri carried their weight for them, watching them fly away from the sand.

Among the stars they danced the same dance as they had done on the earth. Neri stood in complete silence on the dry sand, she had to wait.

Wait for her turn to dance in heaven.

Her cousins returned to the ground. Landing in perfect unison, before moving back and forming a circle around Neri.

This was her moment to perform.

Slowly unfolding her wings before lifting herself off the earth, did she replicate their dance in the sky.

No music could be heard, only the voice of the priestess shattering the silence.

Neri kept her position suspended in the air for several ethereal moments as the music took over one last time.

In perfect unison did Neri lower herself closer to the ice, as the priestesses voice slowly started to fade away.

Never looking down, never looking back. Neri kept her eyes transfixed on the stars in the faith that there would be someone to catch her.

Her feet touched the ocean surface.

She fell.

Without the soreness of the ice plains.

She fell.

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