Chapter 6

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There was a disturbance at the surface.

The warnings that had been distributed by the fish to the mer residing in their towns, had been going on for hours. Yet still no guard had appeared to tell them the problem was solved, and the ice had once more separated them from the sky.

Sora hair was twisting around her tail, her hands hidden within the strands in a futile effort to attempt to hide their twisting movements. Haneul had seen them, but had wisely kept his mouth shut.

She wanted to go out. See for herself what was going on.

If what was going on, what she thought it was. She wanted to be there at the surface.

If the ice truly hadn't appeared, she wanted to spend every single second she was granted to practise flying.

So here she was, trying to think of an escape route that wouldn't alert her brother.

The moment came soon when he was called away for guard duty, and she was alone for twenty seconds. Just enough to swim through the window and disappear beyond the walls.

Through the valleys and across plains.

Far, far away from the walls around their house.

That was where she found the tailless creature.

She was swimming in the ocean, using her wings in much the same way Sora used her tail. It propelled her through the water with the same grace as Sora had seen a glimpse of, above the waves.

It was a true sight to behold.

One Sora could look at for ages, but alas time wasn't on their side and the creature was already returning to the surface. Their poor body unable to breathe underwater, a truly unfortunate evolutionary trait.

Sora followed them lifting her face above the waves to have a small conversation with the interesting creature.

"Hi! Enjoying the ocean?"

The shriek at being sneaked up on, was something Sora might have been able to foresee. As they were now in a bit of a difficult position.

The creature had lifted themself three feet above the waves, probably in the conviction Sora wouldn't be able to reach her there. Which was factually wrong, but at least she hadn't flown away with those majestic wings.

"Hey, no need to be scared. I was just curious what you were doing, the ice is coming today and you don't want to be locked up underneath it. Well, not if you can't breathe underwater."

The wind tried to play with her hair, but the wet strands wouldn't be persuaded, not today at least. The creature's hair on the other hand wouldn't stay still, barely wet as it was regardless of the amount of time she had spent in the water.

"Don't sneak up on people like that! And I know that the ice should return today, that's why I'm here. The moon isn't moving and the ice is yet to be seen."

Sora knew her facial expression wasn't very smart at that moment. Finally someone who was just as interested in the unknown.

There has to be a reason for that. It only started after I got into the ocean, so the solution should be there too."

Their world was expanding, but they weren't ready. This being on the other hand, was ready to face it head on.

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