Chapter 8

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Sora wanted to exclaim her happiness, yell it for everyone to hear.

She was flying, well she was out of the water because of her own work, which was more than good enough for her.

"This is amazing!"

But as all good things come to an end, she eventually fell back into the water closely followed by the creature.

"I wish I could always do that, just exist. No need to sneak away or unable to be when the ice is there."

The creature was looking weirdly at Sora, but she couldn't muster the energy to care. It might be the most normal thing in the world for her to fly around, that didn't meant it wasn't unique for Sora to experience.

"Let's go again."

Sora heart started beating faster at those words. Maybe she could convince the creature to even fly her around for a bit.

"I'm Neri by the way."

This certainly wasn't the time to exchange pleasantries, but Sora's parents had raised her well. So she nodded and said her own name before swimming deeper into the water to create enough momentum for her next flight.

"Sora, nice to meet you."


She was certain it was quite a sight, the two of them flying above the waves in the light of the sun supported only by the powerful muscles of Neri's wings.

In the sure knowledge she wouldn't fall, faith in her companion to support her during the times she couldn't stand on her own.

The sun shone brightly on her scales making them glitter in the sun, as she supported her companion back to the surface. The light illuminating their tail, scales and wings in an neverending cycle of light.

Their world had been expanding, and they had been more than ready for the change.

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