35 Bunny and Viper

174 16 1

November 1, 2002

"Yūki!! Hurry up and help me check these pockets!"

Yūki quickly whipped his head over to the voice. Around him were twenty-odd bodies, each seeming to be unconscious. He looked down and saw a teen that was almost double his size. Yūki leaned down and checked his pulse, making sure that he didn't accidentally kill him.

"He still alive?" A hand was placed on his head, the short hair pricking the other's hand. Yūki had been completely cutting and shaving his hair by himself, leaving small cuts and scars all over his scalp.

"Sadly." Yūki wiped his nose, leaving a trail of blood behind from a punch he obtained moments ago.

When he finally got up and off of the fallen teen he looked up at his friend with a wide innocent smile. If it wasn't for the blood and sweat that coated Yūki's face, he'd probably look as innocent as his smile.

"I took out more guys than you, Chi! That means you have to buy dinner!" Yūki exclaimed as he started searching all of the guys he took down.

"What?! No you didn't, I clearly took out more guys than you!" He pushed up his glasses as he started counting the bodies. "Hah! I took out exactly one more guy than you!"

Yūki stopped what he was doing and started counting himself. "Fuck..." He mumbled to himself as he realized his friend was right.

He slowly made his way to his friend, pushing out his bottom lip. "Please Ryōichi... I promise to pay the next two times..." Yūki forced a singular tear to fall down his cheek, knowing that Ryōichi couldn't say no.

Ryōichi shook his head with a deep sigh. "Just check their pockets, I'm gonna call an ambulance."

That was something that Yūki always admired about Ryōichi. No matter who they fought, whether it be a random group they happened to walk upon or a group that was actively trying to hurt them, he'd always make sure they were okay.

He was someone that Yūki strived to be.

After Yūki was done searching everyone, taking any money they might have had along with any cigarettes, he walked over to Ryōichi. He noticed that he was tugging on his white ponytail, wincing every now and then when he pulled too hard.

"Hey, you okay?" Yūki asked as he slowly and softly pulled Ryōichi's hair from his hand.

Ryōichi shook his head as he realized he was spacing out. "Sorry, let's get going." He smiled at Yūki and pulled his hand to run as they both heard sirens.


As they both entered the small udon shop, a loud sigh was heard. "Haruna, the brats are here again!!" An older man was at the counter, apron covered in various stains.

"How's it goin', Mr. Sado!" Yūki yelled, causing the older male to wince.

"Horrible now that you're here."

"Don't be like that Mr. Sado!" Ryōichi draped his arm around Yūki. "We all know you secretly love us."

"Tch!" Mr. Sado rolled his eyes and pulled out a small notepad. "Just tell me what you want so you can leave quicker."

"You always fuck it up, so we'll just wait for your wife." Yūki said with a shit-eating smile, knowing that that always got on the old man's nerves.

"It's the same goddamn recipe!! You just want to be fuckin' spoiled!!"

"Honey, calm down." An old woman stepped out of the kitchen, apron seemingly messier than her husband's. "They're just kids."

"Ya, we're just kids!" Both Yūki and Ryōichi sang out at the same time, giving their most innocent smiles.

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