Long and bumpy road

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Arkansas 19??

The tyres ripped through the dilapidated road. Swerving to avoid potholes, Barry spun the wheel gracefully from side to side ignoring the constant natter of his passenger.
"Go on try it, gay guys love it!" Lewis waved a small bottle eagerly at Justin who was sat behind.
"Why's that relevant, I'm not-" Justin began to respond,
"Dude just try it!" Lewis demanded. Justin swiped the bottle from him, nervously untwisting the caps child lock.
"So I just breathe in through my nose?" He asked, cautiously.
"Yeah deep breath in, hold that inhale for a couple seconds, deep breath out for a few, then repeat say... three times. Trust me!" Lewis explained. Justin admired the small brown bottles golden label,
"Room oudoriser?" He read. Lewis just nodded, the same grin across his face as he's had the whole journey. Obediently following as Lewis instructed, Justin waited impatiently. Moments later, a sudden and intense rush flushed into his noggin, his cheeks felt warm and the fuzzy rush lingered for a minute. Lewis' laughter faltered after seeing Justin so relaxed he let drop the unsealed bottle,
"No, you fucktard, my poppers!" He dived behind his seat to save it all from waste.
"You cunts are gonna pay if you spilt drugs all over my car!" Barry yelled back, his focus turned to Lewis' ass bent over the seat.
"Don't worry about it dude, it's literally room oudoriser,  if anything your car smells less!" Lewis argued as he clambered back into his seat, clutching the bottle. Barry returned his gaze to the road, noticeably calmer, remaining silent. As Justin came to he commented: "That felt great, is there more?"
"No, you just spilt it all retard!" whined Lewis, he rolled down his passenger side window, flinging the empty bottle out. That's when he noticed the road was littered with carcasses "Um.. dudes, what's up with all these dead animals?" Lewis trembled, his stomach flipping at the sight of coyote and deer guts.
"Why do you think I've had to swerve so often?" Barry said coldly. Justin peered out each window.
"Should we wake the others?" He whimpered,
"No, they don't need to see this. Besides, it'll just put them off the trip and we've travelled too far to turn round now, we're getting to this cabin!" Barry sternly warned Justin, giving him a piercing stare for good measure.

* * *

As the shadows grew and the sun dipped behind the constant skyline of forest Barry, Justin and Lewis became restless.
"Just say if we're lost man.." Justin suggested.
"We're not lost!" Barry growled, Lewis rolled his eyes as he popped the cigarette lighter out and held it to his blue camel; the orange ring of heat reflected off his glasses. The girl, right of Justin, had finally woken. Her groan startled those already awake.
"W-Willow you're up! Not surprised, you've slept all day!" Willow let out a yawn in response to Justin, slowly leaning over Barry's shoulder to ask: "We nearly there? Where even is this cabin of yours?" Barry's voice had a friendlier tone than he'd put on for the others,
"Nearly hun, actually it was my uncle's cabin, he used it as some kinda 'holiday home' til he croaked last fall. Mother wanted me to go see what condition it's in since she might sell it. So I thought, why not make the most out of it!" He informed her.
"Wait, so you don't even know if it's a dump or not? Does it even have electricity?" Lewis butted in, flicking ash out the window. "You didn't answer her question either, where is this cabin?" Barry slammed the brakes and everyone jolted forward.
"Shut up Lewis, it's a few miles away, just on the outskirts of a town called Fouke, okay?" The sudden brake had woken the rest of the car, an unpleasant yelping came from the back "Good one, now you've woken up Gracie!" Justin snapped, turning back to see a scruffy grey mutt bearing her teeth at him. Kasia to his left was holding her head where it had bounced off the back of the front seat,
"Owww..." she groaned, Justin turned to the now half awake, injured girl
"Aw shit, is your head okay? Look what you did Barry!" He shouted, scowling at the back of his head. Kasia gently held Justin back with her hand on his chest, "Don't worry sweetie. I'm fine, thanks gods. How long was I asleep?" She said softly. Justin brushed her long brown curls from her face, a smile crept to the corners of his mouth as a softer voice replied,
"I'm not sure snuggums, you've been out most of the day." Willow let's out a loud gag,
"Snuggums?" She visibly cringes whilst repeating. Meanwhile, Barry had been checking his map against the road signs in front of him. After nodding to himself in assurance, he set off once again.

* * *

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