Shit hits the Shack

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During the early morning hours, shortly before the sun were to rise, Kasia woke. Blinking her eyes out of blurriness, she found herself facing the wall with yet another boarded up window frame, playing little spoon to Justin's bare-chested embrace. Wriggling herself around to face him she attempted to shake him up 'Justey... wake up.' She badgered him until he groaned into licudity 'W- what is it snugguns?' His subconscious replied, his eyes sealed, refusing to move. 'I need to go tinkle, Where's the bathroom?' Her urgency prompting his sudden attention increase 'Barry said there's no restroom, just an outhouse round back.' Justin murmured, snores following 'Justey, I can't go out there alone! Come with me?' Kasia squealed but Justin muttered something about her being fine before rolling into his pillow, collapsing deep into his slumber. Kasia shook him obnoxiously but his only response thereforth was a repulsively hoppy belch, her shaking offered only rag-doll motions others may have found humorous. She began to panic, the thought of even stepping out the bedroom was daunting. He thin dressing gown slipped over her satin pyjamas cosily. Striking a match and lighting the bed-side lantern, kasia took a deep breath, preparing mentally for her unpleasant trip to the loo. Lifting the lantern, letting it guide her through the door, out past the main room. She crept craftily along the floorboards, not wishing to wake Barry or Willow, treading lightly around the couches so as to utilise the muffling of her slippers against the rug. She unbolted the door, pocketing the key as she pulled open the dead silent morning. Swivelling through the door as she shut it behind her. The tiniest of torches in hand she turned right off the porch: Kasia made her way down the decline that hugged the steep hill the main cabin was perched upon. Rustling of leaves and snapping branches pierced her silence. Kasia felt swimming pools forming between her armpits. Her cold sweat drenching both brow and her satin shirt the farther she ventured im the dark. When she reached the rear, the torch picked out a dingy hut. It's stench already wafting her way, foul and worse than one would expect. Kasia held her nose, a taste of more than just defecation latched around her tongue, she reached violently. Feverishly prodding the door in disgust with the tip of the torch so as to avoid contact. Kasia stumbled upon a plethora of animal guts scattered on the floor of the outhouse. Dry heaves forced the way up her throat her back arching to let it spew out, away from her slippers. Squealing with desperation, squirming as she stepped over to gaps between the guts in search of loo paper. She thought best to vacate as soon as possible once acquiring it, to make use of a bush rather than spend another moment holding her breath. However, there was a distinct lack of loo paper or anything sanitary for that matter. Turning back carfeully, poised above the guts; Kasia let out a sharp gasp as the door swung shut on her. Panic ensued as she clasped onto the knob, yanking it, but it had locked from the outside. 'What the- Hey!' Justin help! Justin!' She screamed letting the repulsive stench crawl into her lungs, fist pounding against the door 'Let me out!' Heavy footsteps outside with a loud thud shut her up, pressing her ear up to the door with an uncomfortable stretch as she leaned, listening out.
A stampede of crunching leaves ferociously approached, followed by obscene thrashing against the door. Kasia leapt back, dropping her flashlight and screaming the woods down. Continuously, the pounding of the outhouse grew. Whatever was outside bashing every side of it with force, the entire hut rattling about feebly like a fair ground waltzer, barely withstanding the attack. Kasia curled up on the filthy stained toilet seat, pulling her knees to her head as she prayed for a pristine indoor toilet like her one back home, far from any forests or animals. After what felt like a lifetime to her, Kasia looked up; the pounding had stopped as suddenly as it started. Left choking in the dark, fumbling round the edges of the toilet in reach for the torch. Increasingly gagging, as the slimy entrails brushed along her hands. Pulling the torch from what turned out to be a turd smeared across a lambs heart, she let out a yelp in disgust as she saw as such revealed. The door swung open, Kasia's tear filled eyes were blinded by light 'Snuggums, there you are! What's wrong?' Justin lowered his torch's beam, noticing not only Kasia's tears but the gut filled floor she had slipped over 'Yuck! C'mon let's get you outta here.' He offered his hand 'I- I can't!' She wailed, whimpering as she hid why. A persistent Justin held her hand and waited for her to confess 'I've.. soiled my pants!' Bawling her eyes out as Justin lifted her over his shoulder. Carrying her back to the cabin bedroom as she explains what happened, her eyelids soaking the back of his vest as she buried her face in shame. Once in their room, Justin left her to clean herself up, offering his water bottle and several packets of sensitive wet wipes.

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