Weird Fouke about

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The car had finally rolled up to the first sign of civilisation in hours. As they passed the 'Welcome to Fouke' sign, the group was filled with hope. Pulling up to the nearest gas station Barry and Lewis left the others in the car. Barry turned to Lewis as he filled up the car "What're you getting?" He asked, admiring Lewis' shoulder length blonde locks, sharp jawline and horn rimmed spectacles.
"Deck of cigs, I'm out." He sighed,
"Guy as handsome as you shouldn't smoke." Barry remarked, a cheeky grin appearing on his mouth. Lewis blushed slightly. Returning a smile, he corrected his glasses and strolled into the store. A bell chimed as he entered the quaint storefront. Approaching an unmanned counter, Lewis glanced between each of the low stocked shelves for anyone, but was alone. He noticed a bell on the counter, as he hovered his hand over it he peered over the counter, spotting a rifle laying in a rack below the tobacco shelf. He gulped and rang the bell. Not a moment later, he was greeted by the scruffiest man he'd ever laid eyes upon entering through the back and making his way to the counter. His bushy eyebrows and beard covered the majority of his large red face and bashful expression; the wirey long hair down past his shoulders to match. He was a tall man. Gazing with sunken eyes, carrying heavy bags under the lids. His sweaty cheeks raised, the only indication he'd smiled as Lewis before grumbling:
"What can I getcha'?" Lewis was too startled, he thought he saw what was essentially dribble emanating from the beard "You smoke? C'mon must do lang 'air like that, share yer spliff!" Lewis became more puzzled as the man dribbled on. Another chime on the bell as Barry walked in, knudging Lewis in the side at the sight of his paralysis. "Sorry sir, he's a bit slow. Pump two and a deck of cigs, if you will?" Barry promptly demanded. Once exchanging cash, Lewis cautiously took his cigs, using Barry as a shield as he left
"Watcha' doing down in Fouke?" The clerk called out to Barry,
"A short vacation, stoppin' in a cabin of the family's." He answered, twiddling the ring of his key round his finger. The man's face turned solemn, almost pitiful.
"Chosen yerselves the worst timin', keep yer wits aboutcha'!" He warned. Before Barry could take in what was said, he overheard hollering by his car. The boot was open and his friends stood around arguing amongst themselves.
"Keep that mongrel away from her!" Snapped Justin, enraged at Willow who was tugging on the leash that held back Gracie.
"She's just playful, she won't do any real harm." She stated, making eye contact with Gracie's soft full eyes; her mood had switched up as she trotted gently round Willow's booted legs. Justin lowered his guard and turned back to Kasia muttering something about 'feral' and 'put down'. Willow led Gracie around the car to Barry and Lewis, stropily crossing her arms and sitting on the hood. Lewis fetched his satchel out the passenger seat then joined her, rolling up one of his roach cards.
"Fancy a few tokes?" He glanced at Willow and Barry. Barry shrugged it off "I'm driving remember, save some for when we're actually at the cabin wouldya?" Lewis gave an 'mhm' in acknowledgement, now tapping out the material from his Bob Marley grinder to his king size rizla.
"I'll have some." Willow piped up, now eager, she forced a smile. Lewis licked and sticked his joint, tucked it in the ear under his hair and leant through the car window holding out his freshly opened deck of cigarettes,
"Smoke?" He asked Barry. Barry smiled and drew one. Lewis stuck one in his own mouth before flicking his zippo open and lighting both. He then returned to the hood and explained: "For rotation." Before popping the joint in Willow's mouth and lighting her up too. Kasia and Justin remained cuddled up on the boots edge, canoodling and taking no notice of the others. Willow passed the joint over to Lewis, holding her chest as she coughed her guts up. Lewis let out a chuckle, exchanging joint for cig,
"Why are those two even coming along? They're barely even friends with Barry." Willow's thoughts spluttering from her mouth "Weird..." Lewis laughed before interjecting
"Yeah, not as weird as the clerk in there." He nodded at the store, "Dude seemed like he hadn't washed in a month or two, scruffy like.." Willow and Lewis shared a good laugh. Taking turns to smoke their way to the cig butt and then the joint roach, at which point they were in the clouds, or at least their minds felt as such -A sudden beeping of the car horn brought them back.
"Can we get going?" Barry yelled out his window. Willow and Lewis turning to each other once more to laugh before jumping back into the car, Gracie scrambling back over to the boot.

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