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The soured atmosphere lasted ten further minutes as Barry's friends sat awkwardly about the couches, sipping their beers til drained. The silence was broken by Gracie darting into the cabin, straight onto Willow's fishnetted thighs. The mutt was frightened, as though you should hear her jangling ribcage over the trembling whimpers she emitted. Willow embraced her, looking to the others in concern.
"Guys she's terrified of something outside!" Justin dismissed her claims,
"'It was probably just a fuckin' deer or something." Then necking the rest of his bottle. Lewis was agitated enough not to sit still.
"I'ma get my Charlie and K from the car, I'll at least stay out for a smoke if you wanna join?" He glanced in a semi circle at the rest. Willow was the only one willing, she told Justin and Kasia to make sure Gracie stays inside.
Lewis grabbed Barry's car keys from atop the beer crates. As they stepped into the open air, they had expected all sorts of wildlife kerfuffle. It had been replaced by only the whistling of chilling winds that nipped at their ears. Between those winds; silence. Lewis helped himself to his satchel as Willow grabbed her own backpack from beneath her seat. They locked up again. Lewis lit another smoke as he reclined into one of the rotted wooden chairs amongst the intact portion of porch -it collapsed instantly under his weight as his ass fell through the bottom, leaving him stuck in the remaining frame. Willow found herself laughing through the pain of the cold as she pulled a loose-fit crocheted shawl round herself. Lewis shrugged "Comfortable enough." He set the grinder and papers to balance on his lap. Rolling himself another joint, he found himself choking on the cigarette he wasn't free to take out his mouth. Willow saved it, and took a few drags of her own.
"I'll be fine just to stand. Say, you think Barry's alright? Him and the happy couple aren't getting along swimmingly." Lewis, concentrating more on the roll, began rambling,
"Well, Barry has to put up with them since he ruined their anniversary. He was hella drunk and wouldn't let them leave for their meal and ended up having them take him to a&e. Had to bring 'em along to this, give them a room to stay in whilst they have themselves a romantic time." Willow was flabbergasted as Lewis simply finished up the roll. "So, likelihood is we'll end up sharing the couches together." He smiled up at Willow. "Explains why he wanted us to come I wouldn't wanna third wheel them either." She confessed, "mind if I try roll one?" Lewis told her to 'knock herself out', passing over his satchel. He took several tokes from his joint watching over Willow as she struggles to pinch a fresh rizla between her index and thumb. As Lewis yammered on about keeping it held tight as it's slowly comes around the material, the joint he'd momentarily taken his eyes off had been snatched from his protruding fingers, arm still resting on the armrest. The corner of his eye caught sight of a billowing shadowey hand and he turned back to see nothing but his empty fingers.
"What the fuck, someone stole my joint!" His head poked over the porches bannister, leading into the dark valley of bristle. Pushing himself out of the chair frame, he scrambled round the outside of the porch, but could see no perpetrator, no nothing.
"Are you sure you didn't drop it?" Suggested Willow as her rizla crumpled round the roach loosely.
"I had a firm grip, something took it, I saw a hand!" Lewis insisted, attempting to search between the porch floorboards with his lighter in case he had actually dropped it. He was simply too high and Willow's theory too plausible; sighing in defeat he stumbled down the side of the cabin, sharing "I need a piss!" with Willow as he did.
Unzipping his flyer at the nearest bush, Lewis began to relieve himself. Looking up from his stream, he was met with intensely luminescent orange eyes. Piercing pin-prick pupils in the centre, staring, what felt like, was straight into his soul. He tripped back, screaming in panic whilst soiling his own pants as his trajectory changed. His screams continued as he got off his ass in crab position, then turning to backtrack up the hill, bumping past Willow, then pulling her back across the porch with him until they were pushing through the door and slamming it behind them. "You can let go now." Willow yanked free from Lewis' grip round her arm, studying his motionless, traumatised face.
"Th-there was something out there..." terror crawled up his spine. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Willow looked about the room, Gracie was hidden, peeping round the couch. The others had gone elsewhere, as had one of the beer crates.


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