Dire needs

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Kasia ran her index down the middle of Justin's six pack, following his trail from belly button to belt. Playfully tugging the belt loose as he lay restless, eager for gratification, begging to pitch a tent. Kasia giggled as she de-mounted him, crawling on her knees nearer the foot of the bed. She paused to observe; Justin bit his lip, curious as to what she would do whilst he remained blindfolded. As she leant over to unloop his belt they were interrupted by screams from outside the bedroom. Justin sat up, lifting his blindfold 'What the fuck are they up to?' Kasia pouted 'Does it matter? Let's just continue, c'mon no more peeking.' She pulled her folded bandana back over his eyes, turning to check the door was locked. Justin was getting impatient, he blindly reached out, then yanked kasia to his crotch demanding 'Suck me, beautiful!'

Willow pulled and pushed on the bedroom door, it wouldn't budge, not even rattle. Lewis cowered beside Gracie on the couch as Willow pushed through the only other door that would open. It led into a dim lit study: lanterns either side of the room its only light source, aside from a crack in the eaves beaming a slither of moonlight onto the floorboards. The walls decorated with elk and deer heads on plaques, a cork board of various notes on display above a worn desk of open books, a rocking chair tucked under. A small single bed with rough tatty blankets and springs poking from the mattress hugged the far corner, Barry was sat against the side, swigging a beer on the dusty floor. He'd tuned into the country station on the end table's radio. Willow approached cautiously, stepping her way around the other bottles sprawled across the floor and sitting herself on the edge if the bed beside Barry, avoiding a spring. 'Hey, I know tonight's not been the party you wanted but I get why you're annoyed at Justin. Besides we've all had a long few days of travel.' Willow had put on the most comforting voice she could, recognising Barry's mood. 'Why don't you just pick me up off the floor tomorrow morning, what do you want?' He necked the rest of his bottle, still sober enough to see through her sweet talk. 'Well, okay.. Lewis saw something outside, he's hella spooked. Gracie's the same and you know she's never afraid of anything.' Her alarmed tone spoke volumes to Barry's drunk mind. He clambered up to the bed, hand on shoulder to console her 'Come, I'll have a look, then we'll make up the couches for you both. Then I can sleep off these many, many beers!' His endearing words painted a smile across Willow's face. He grabbed the rifle he'd earlier forbade Justin to, as Willow's eyes widened he simply explained 'Whilst I don't like guns, I'll use them. I just don't trust douchebags with them.' He stumbled back through the living room. Holding his free hand out to Lewis 'Keys.' His blank yet stern demeanour rid Lewis of agitation as he pocketed the keys, stepping back into the night, calm and collected. He scowered the areaz flashlight held in one hand, barrel resting on the arm. Other hand gripping tightly, index finger slipping over the trigger. The winds had died down, nocturnal calls of all sorts surrounded the rustling trees. Barry beathed in, squinting into the dark. A cold exhale steamed pas the flashlight as he aimed it low. A tyrannical snarl rumbled from the bush, twigs snapping under paw. Sets of sharp yellow gnashers grinned up at Barry as an emerging pack of feral canines pushed out from cover. Three furry waist-high mutts growled at Barry, his courage wavering as he backs up to the car. Each step more sobering than the next, as sweat and fear trickle down from forehead to toe. The beasts took turns sizing him up. His gun locking onto, then following the next to approach as they bade their timez closing in the distance of complete surroundal. Barry's hands wobbled about, the barrel swaying off target of all predators
-a bolt passed through the neck of the one to Barry's left, it dropped to the dirt. Justin nodded over to Barry in reassurance, as dispensed crossbow in hand. A second mongrel toon the opportunity to lunge at Barry, jaw clamping round his left wrist, it was blasted back by a shot to the gut as Barry's agony had him react with his trigger finger. The knock back had the wounded beast skid across the dirt on it's side. The third backtracked. Letting out a whimper, as though it were crying out for its fallen brothers, it scarpered off into the night. Barry collapsed against the door of his car, seething in pain as both Justin and Willow rushed to his aid, Kasia watching from the cabin doorway. Justin grabbed Barry by his arm and helped him to his feet, Barry mustered his energy 'Thanks, but where did you get that?' He asked through cletched teeth, holding back momentarily before letting out a yelp as he lowered his left arm. Feeling fairly useless Willow took the rifle from Barry, letting Justin joist his good arm round his shoulder 'Christ that looks bad..' Willow couldn't take her eyes off the bitten wrist as blood profusely oozed from its puncture points 'I- is there a first aid kit? W- we need to get you to a hospital!' She stammered 'There's one in my uncle's study, I found it earlier.' Barry groaned at her 'There's no phone up here and the nearest hospital is miles si just get the first aid kit!' Willow hurried inside as Justin took Barry's weight and helped him inside to the nearest couch. Kasia locked the door behind them, shuddering at the fresh carcasses past the porch. Willow joined them round the couches, handing Justin the first aid kit Lewis held Gracie on his lap as she hid her head in his chest 'God, what in the holy shucks did that dude?' Justin rolled his eyes at Lewis' comment 'What you reckon they were: dogs? Wolves?' He turned to Barry, dousing the bite with disinfectant before binding the bandages tightly around the wrist. 'Nah, too fucking big, their mouths weren't normal!' Barry winced throughout 'Even after all these beers, it still hurts like a bitch!' The bleeding showed no sign of subsiding as it seeped through the layers of bandages. Barry accepted Justin's offer to wrap it up more. 'Give us a cig would ya?' He called over to Lewis, who promptly shuffled out from under a sleeping Gracie and popped two into his mouth, lighting both before placing it betwixt Barry's lips. 'I suggest...' Barry inhaled deeply, blowing then a few smoke rings 'we get some rest. I'll take this couch, you two already found the double-' he glanced to a cross-armed Kasia and relaxed Justin 'Lewis, Willow: it's up to you who takes the study or the other couch.'

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