Chapter Three- Protective Nature

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Your P.O.V.


We finish eating and I grab him an extra sheet and throw it at him as he sits on the couch. He looks up at me.

"What? Are you still upset about the nap comment?" I throw a pillow at him and he laughs.

"Why can't you just keep your mouth shut?" He smirks.

"If I kept it closed all the time I wouldn't be very useful during sex." My mouth opens in shock and I slowly turn to him. He walks up to me and closes my mouth with his hand. "You're gonna catch flies das schätzchen." He heads into his room and I have to hold myself back from screaming. What is this man doing to me? He comes out of his room to ask where the bathroom is and I point him towards it and head over to the couch to watch Netflix. Eventually, he walks out of the bathroom and, oh shit he's shirtless. I end up staring for a bit too long because once again he smirks at me.

"Do you like what you see?" When he says that I abruptly look away.

"Nope." He laughs and sits down next to me.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Can you put on a shirt as good as you look I don't want people to assume shit."

"I knew you thought I was hot." He gets up and heads to his room and I throw a pillow at him. It misses and he laughs at my sore attempt at a throw as he enters his room. I sigh and get up to grab the pillow I threw. I go sit back on the couch. Tom comes out of his room and sits on the other end watching the documentary I put on. I decide now's a good time to get ready for bed so I grab some pajamas and head to the bathroom to get ready for bed. When I get out Tom's still on the couch I sit at the end again. We watch the series till we get tired and go to bed.

I wake up the next morning to the smell of food. I walk out of my room to see Tom cooking. I rub my eyes and walk over to the counter.

"I didn't think you would know how to cook." He laughs.

"Yeah, Bill forced me to learn because he hated cooking all the time at home." I nod and look at what he's cooking. It's just some basic scrambled eggs but it looks good. I look up at Tom.

"Thanks for making breakfast, it was nice of you."

"I mean, I'd be homeless without you, probably, I had to do at least one nice thing for you before I make your life hell." I laugh and sit on a stool in front of the counter and lay my head down watching him cook. Damn him being super attractive all the time. He looks at me.

"Where are your plates?" I point to the cabinet with the plates. He grabs them and dishes out some eggs for himself and me. I pick my head up off the counter and he hands me a fork. I take a bite of the eggs and they're actually pretty good. I smile as I take another bite. He sits down next to me and looks over at me.

"I'm glad you like it because I'm never doing this again." I look over at him and frown. "What? Do you like my cooking that much? I'm much better at other things you know." And he's back, every time I think that I've eaten away at the wall he's planted it goes right back up. I glare at him and turn back to my food. Once we're both finished I grab our plates and the things he used to cook the eggs and head over to the sink to wash them. Once I'm done I head to my room to change into some normal clothes. When I come out I see Tom out of his pajamas. Damn, he's fast. He looks up at me.

"Do you have anything planned for today?" I look at the date on my phone, Sunday. I look up at him.

"Nope," I say and sit on the couch. He nods and speaks.

"We could fuck that takes up time." I slowly turn to him and see him smirking at me.

"Do you ever think before you speak?" He laughs.

"Never." I turn away from him and turn on something random in hopes of clearing my mind of all of the thoughts he just planted in my head. There's some banging on my front door and I go to answer it but I stop when I hear the voice on the other side.

"You slimy bitch! It's only been a week and you've already moved on to some other dick?!" I back away from my door and into Tom who had stood up due to all the noise. I look up and he is dead set on the door and man if looks could kill my ex would be dead. The banging gets louder, he's kicking in the door. I hide behind Tom and start to cry silently hoping he just gives up and leaves. Then the door breaks and I look up with wide eyes. My ex comes barreling in the door like a raging bull. I see Tom tense, he's ready to fight my ex? But he barely knows me.

"So you're the guy huh? You don't seem like their type." Tom glances back at me. Then goes back to glaring at my ex.

"Yeah, but I'm better than you." And with that comment, all hell breaks loose. My ex swings and hits Tom who takes that as the go-ahead and starts to fight back. He turns to me quickly. "Go hide and call the cops!" I nod and run to my room crying as I listen to the fight through the walls.

"911 what's your emergency?" I'm sobbing at this point.

"My ex broke into my house."

"Are you injured?"

"No, my roommate came to my defense they're fighting in the living room." She asks for my address and I give it to her about ten minutes later I see red and blue light out of my window and I come out of my room to see Tom restraining my ex. He looks up at me as I come out and he looks relieved but my ex also sees me and he starts screaming at me.

"You filthy slut couldn't talk to me yourself so you sent your bitch ass guard dog boyfriend after me?!" I look down and the police come in.

"Who's the perpetrator?"

"The one being restrained officer." The officer nods at Tom and Tom gets off my ex. My ex lunges for me but the officers grab him before he can.

"Ma'am I'm gonna need a full account of the events for a police report," I tell him everything that happened through tears and he nods.

"If you want to file a restraining order come by the building." I nod as they take my screaming ex out of the building. I sink to the floor and Tom catches me. I look up at him ready to cry again. I bury my head in his shoulder and sob. He just sits there and holds me till I stop crying. Once I've calmed down I look back up at him and realize his lip is busted.

"I forgot that he hit you, I'm sorry." He shakes his head.

"It's alright I hate guys that do that shit." I get up and grab his hand leading him to the bathroom and sitting him on the toilet. I grab the first aid kit and start to grab a few things. I start to clean the wound on his lip and he hisses. I look up at his eyes.

"I'm sorry." He looks at me with a look I can't quite decipher.

"It's alright." I finish cleaning his lip and I start to put the first aid kit. I see him stand up beside me and I assume he's leaving until I see his hands on the sink and I close the bathroom cabinet to see him staring down at me.

"You have no idea what you do to me." My face goes red and turn and look up at him and he's giving me that look again.

He could melt me with those eyes.

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