Chapter Four - Crying and Working, Working and Crying

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Your P.O.V.


He finally backs away after what feels like forever. He leaves the bathroom and I close the door. Sinking to the floor and covering my face with my hands. Oh no, I think I'm catching feelings for this asshole. I sit there for a little longer then come out of the bathroom. Tom is sitting on the couch, I sit on the other end still shaking a little from not only my ex breaking in but also whatever Tom just did to my heart. Tom scoots over to me and puts his arm over my shoulder pulling me into a hug.

"You're allowed to keep crying, what happened today was hard for you." My eyes widen and tears start to form in my eyes once again. I start to silently sob and Tom pulls me into his lap and strokes my hair trying to comfort me through this traumatic event that I just went through. I didn't even realize how much it got to me until he said I could cry. How much have I been holding in over the years because I had no one to help me? How many tears have I held in because 'I had to be strong.' I end up crying myself to sleep on Tom's shoulder.

I wake up to the alarm on my phone going off and I sit up I'm still on top of Tom. I got to get up but Tom's arm that happens to be on my waist just holds on tighter. I sigh and try to wake him up.

"Tom I have to leave for work you have to let go of me." He grumbles something in German and I get frustrated. "WAKE UP!!" I yell at him. He opens his eyes and glares at me.

"Good morning to you too." I sigh.

"I have work so I'd like it if you let go of me." He lets go and I get up. He sits up and looks at me.

"So when are you gonna be home?"

"Like seven." He nods and heads to his room. I head to mine to get ready for work. I walk out to the kitchen and pop some bread in the toaster. Once the toast is done I spread some jam on it and head out the door. As I walk out the door I turn to Tom.

"Remember to use protection, one of you is enough. Oh and," I set about fifty down in cash and look at him. "If you need anything there's fifty there, there's a corner store down the street on the left." He laughs.

"I'm not a kid you know." I nod.

"Yeah, but you might as well be." He laughs again and waves me off.

"Have a good day at work." I smile as I close the door. I head out to my car and head to work. Once I arrive I grab my apron and notepad and head to the back area. To see Kayla getting ready to leave.

"Hey, girl. How's the single life been?"

"Good, I guess I have a new roommate and he's cute." She gives me an excited look.

"Oooo is he single? You guys could be like a roommates to lovers scenario." I sigh.

"Kayla my life is way more like a horror novel than a romance."

"Yeah, but it could be a romance if you get with your cute roommate."

"Yeah yeah, now go home, I need to make money today if I want to pay for rent." She laughs and heads out. The hostess Jocelynn walks up to me.

"Table 16 is ready for you." I smile and nod, glancing at the floor chart before heading over. I walk up to the table and see the same girl from the other day. She's now clinging to the arm of another guy.

"Hi, I'm (Name). I'll be your waitress today what would you like to drink?" The girl looks up at me and frowns, she doesn't mention the other day. She probably doesn't want her new guy to get jealous. She sighs and orders a lemonade and he gets a soda. I go back and fill their drinks and bring them back.

"Are you guys ready to order?" The girl decides to speak.

"No, come back later." I give my best smile and nod. I notice one of my other tables is sat and I head over to get their order.

~Time skip cause I ran out of ideas~

It's the end of my shift and I'm collecting all my tips so that I can go home. I've been standing all day and I'm exhausted. I just want to go home and pass out. I grab my things and put my apron away and head out. I get in my car and drive home.

I get home to see Tom sitting on the couch watching the Avengers movie. He looks up at me.

"Welcome back, I filed the restraining order against that guy while you were gone." I look up at him shocked.

"But I didn't even tell you where the police station was." He shrugs.

"I went to the corner store you told me about and asked them." I smile and walk over to him, hugging him as tight as I can.

"Thank you so much." He pats my back.

"It's not a big deal guys like that just get on my nerves." I pull away from him and smile.

"Yes, but you didn't have to do that and you did. Did you even have time to bring a girl over?" He shakes his head.

"No, but I think that helping you was a better use of my time." I smile at him before heading to my room to get out of my work uniform. I come back out in my pajamas and sit next to him on the couch. He scoots closer and puts his arm around my shoulder. I look over and smile at him. He gives me that look again, the one that makes me feel like I'm melting. Then he leans in giving me a kiss on the forehead.

Oh wow.

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