Chapter 7

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As the old boat made its way to the docks of Ravka, Vernera laid still fast asleep with a sleepy Kaz still watching guard beside her. His eyes were heavy and there were a few times where Kaz would doze off. But every time he would close his eyes, he would see the way Rollins would put his hands on Vernera, how scared she looked that night in the Emerald Palace. It was one of those moments where Kaz's eyes were slowly shutting when he saw the shadow of someone approaching the two of them. He quickly whipped up his cane about to hit this person to stop them from coming closer when he recognized the voice.

"Easy tiger it's just your most handsome friend." Jesper put his hands up submissively.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Kaz quickly yawned before putting down his cane.

"Just thought you'd like to know that we've arrived. I thought you'd be itching to get off this creepy boat." Jesper laughed.

"Believe me I am, but I promised Vernera that I'd look after her while she slept." Kaz explained as he stretched out his arms.

"How....caring of you Kaz. If I didn't know better I'd think you had a crush on her." Jesper winked.

"Instead of making foolish remarks how about you find the new king so I can get paid and get back to ruling my club." Kaz rolled his eyes.

"Someone's snippy this morning." Jesper pretended to be hurt. "But you're the boss." He bowed dramatically and walked off of the boat. Kaz fixed his hair the best he could and looked and Vernera who was still snuggled into his jacket.

"Vernera...Vernera we are here." Kaz said softly as he lightly shook her with his gloved hand. She came shooting up defensively, throwing a punch in Kaz's direction. Kaz quickly blocked it and gave her a second to realize it was him.

"Back in Ketterdam so soon?" Vernera yawned as she didn't even notice that Kaz's coat was still on her lap.

"That's because we are in Ravka." Kaz stated.

"W-what? I was supposed to be dropped off back at the Barrel....I shouldn't be here...I can't be here." Vernera quickly stood up. Kaz had never seen her so distraught.

"What's going on with you?" Kaz questioned as he followed her.

"Just please drop off the sword and I'll wait here." Vernera's hands were visibly shaking.

"I don't understand what's going on with you? You've never looked this weak." Kaz did not know how to comfort her.

"That's because I really can't be here! Saints I shouldn't have fallen asleep I should have known that was a bad idea." Vernera's breathing began to hitch.

"Harther...Harther you need to breathe." Kaz tried his best. That's when Vernera made eye contact with someone behind Kaz and quickly pulled her mask up so that only her eyes were visible.

"Kaz, thank you so much for having the perfect timing. You and your Crows just may have saved the future of Ravka." A smiley blonde man said as he approached the two.

"You're king Nikolai? I thought you went by the name of Sturmhond who claimed to be a privateer?" Kaz was skeptical.

"Yeah well....everyone must stop hiding eventually. You must be Vernera, I've heard great things about you." He put out his hand. Vernera didn't say anything.

"So when will we be receiving this great payment of anything a heart can desire?" Kaz interrupted as he stood in front of Vernera completely.

"Ah worries once the Sun Summoner has destroyed the fold for good you will get your disbursement." Nikolai reassured. That's when the sound of an explosion filled the air.

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