Chapter 9

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Around the same time the Crows panicked at the realization of the inevitable doom that was to come at the palace that very next day, Ravka was hosting a ball to celebrate the rebirth of the nation as well as the coronation that was to follow. Vernera wanted to be as far away from the palace as possible, but once again Nikolai insisted she be there.

Vernera once again was faced with her own reflection as she looked at yet another tailored dress that she was expected to wear for this affair. She struggled to get into the corseted dress and was sickened by her appearance. All of her scars were out in the open, the ones on the back of her arms being the most prominent. She ran her hands over the scars on her chest and collarbones, wanting to cry that she was forced to relive her past battles. Horrid, disgusting, vile looking girl she thought to herself. Her red hair was pulled back away from her face, showing her pale complexion fully.

"Look at you, If I didn't know better I'd say you'd pass for a princess." Nikolai smiled as he entered her room.

"I don't want to go out there, I know the stares I'm going to get and I don't think I can handle it." Vernera took a deep breath as she fidgeted with the satin green fabric.

"You look lovely, you are a hero Vernera Harther, who cares what a few stuck up rich people have to say?" Nikolai tried to calm her nerves.

"I don't feel like a hero." She said under her breath.

"Here." Nikolai placed a golden necklace around her neck. "The perfect finishing touch for a perfect warrior." He smiled. Vernera looked at the emerald charm that laid at the center of the chain. It was truly beautiful. "The emerald is the stone of the royal family, and whether you want to believe it or not, I couldn't be happier that you returned." Nikolai reassured.

"Thank you." Vernera continued to play with the charm between her fingers.

"Now come, I have some people I want you to meet!" Nikolai spoke excitedly. The two walked arm in arm, into the crowded dining room where the party was being held. "Vernera, this is Arthur Vonspire, the son of one of mothers closest friends." Nikolai introduced her to a very handsome looking gentleman.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Arthur kissed the back of her hand, which Vernera's cheeks seemed to warm from.

"I'll let you two get to know each other, excuse me." Nikolai winked at Vernera before making his way further into the crowded room.

"Well he's not very sly is he now?" Arthur joked.

"Never has been." Vernera agreed.

"So tell me about you miss...."

"Harther." Vernera finished for him.

"Miss Harther.....not a Lanstov then?" Arthur questioned.

"I once was...." Vernera began to get uncomfortable. "What about you then Arthur? A soldier for the royal guard?" She tried her best to change the subject.

"Never was good enough for the big leagues I'm afraid. I've actually never been one for fighting, seems a bit theatrical if you ask me." Arthur said taking a drink of his wine. "So what do you do here at the palace Miss Harther?" He moved on.

"Well nothing too official, but Nikolai likes to have me on guard most of the time." Vernera answered.

"A fighter? Hmm well I certainly didn't expect that. You seem to be full of surprises." Arthur laughed. Vernera was beginning to feel ashamed.

"Yeah that's me....loads of surprises." She trailed off.

"A drink Miss Harther?" One of the waiters walked over to her.

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