Chapter 10

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Walking back into the Crow Club was not something Vernera imagined she would be doing, so soon at least. It didn't look too different, just a few upgrades here and there. Definitely more staff, that's the first thing she noticed as the group entered the busy gambling hall.

"Didn't you miss the smell of booze and cheap salty snacks?" Jesper put his arm around Vernera with excitement.

"Experiencing withdrawals are we Jes?" Vernera poked fun.

"You know I can never stay away from the tables long. Come on I'll treat to a round of Blackjack." Jesper flashed some shiny coins in her direction.

"Have your fun now, we leave in a few hours." Kaz took a peak at his pocket watch before walking to the bar.

"That is Kaz's way of saying 'yes go ahead and spend your money at my hall'" Nina laughed as she joined the group.

"Why do you think we needed to stop back at the Crow Club anyways? It would have been quicker to just go straight to Hellgate from Ravka." Inej questioned as she cleaned one of her blades with her shirt.

"He probably wanted Ve to see the Club and how he's been 'doing well without her presence'" she said in air quotes.

"Oh I'm sure that's exactly it." Vernera rolled her eyes. "I did miss it here though." She took a deep breath. "When I was at the palace, I forgot just how many things I wish I brought with me from here. Like my mom's ring that I kept under my mattress in my room upstairs. Or my favorite hairpiece that Inej made for me." Vernera smiled in Inej's direction. "No matter though, I'm sure Kaz had a wonderful time selling it all and expanding his office." She joked.

"I actually haven't been up there since you've left. Been to scared." Jesper laughed.

"Same here, I mean I know it's where Kaz's schemes for hours upon hours, but I could never bring myself to see what he did with the place." Nina agreed.

"Well how about you guys keep watch and I'll go snoop around and see what's become of my old room?" Vernera offered as she began inching her way to the stairs.

"I'd rather not be murdered." Jesper shook his head.

"Please, like Kaz would care if you were up there." Inej nudged him.

"Just be fast. Who knows what will happen." Nina shooed her off.

"What did I miss?" Wylan asked as Vernera disappeared up the steps.

"And where have you been?" Jesper questioned.

"I had to stop back and pick up some powders. Kaz's orders." Wylan explained.

"Well great, now that you're back I have a gambling buddy." Jesper dragged him farther into the gambling hall.

As Vernera softly stepped into the upper level of the Crow Club, she was almost shocked at what a wreck it looked like. Papers everywhere, dust covering the living area as if no one had touched it since she left. She peaked into Kaz's office to see more papers scattered all around his desk, his bed was the only thing that looked like it hadn't been touched. Was he not sleeping? Why were papers everywhere? Kaz hated a mess, yet it didn't seem like he had bothered to clean up anything in quite awhile. Vernera decided to not think about it too much and walked over to the other side of the living space, where her old room once was. She was shocked to find it locked when she tried the door knob. Acting quickly, she took two hairpins out of her hair and picked the lock.

What was behind the door shocked Vernera to the core. It looked like nothing had been touched since the day they left Ketterdam for Ravka. Everything was still in place, down to where she left her brush on her vanity. She quickly went over to her bed and lifted up the mattress to find the little wooden box she had kept her mom's ring. There it was, in fact not sold for Kruge, but instead exactly how she left it last. Why wouldn't have Kaz done something to her room? Why leave it as it was?

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