Chapter 12

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It was quiet on the ship. They had been on the water for a few days. Kaz would come check on Vernera every second that no one was looking, removing his glove to check that her pulse was still going. Even for as faint as her heart was beating, feeling the soft pulse calmed Kaz. He didn't even care about the skin on skin contact, didn't even think about it. Now Nina was sitting watching Vernera, making sure she was content.

"I need to find Matthias's leg shackles. Kaz gives me all the fun jobs." Jesper sighed as finished coming down the steps to the cabin.

"Want to trade?" Nina asked wearily. Jesper looked down, deliberately not looking at Vernera. He hadn't come to visit her, couldn't stand to see her in the shape she was.

"She can't die," Jesper said. "Not this way." He wiped his eyes.

"Not what way?" Nina peered at Jesper, puzzled.

"She can't die." He repeated.

"Saints Jesper, I'm doing my best." Nina sighed.

"Sorry, you're doing great. She'd be gone if it wasn't for you." Jesper said sincerely.

"I owe it to her. I just really wish I knew what I was doing." Nina sighed.

"You're doing what you can, and that's enough." Jesper said softly. "I better go shackle up the giant." He then said and left.

Vernera's skin felt too cool to the touch. Nina laid a hand on each of her shoulders and tried to improve her blood flow; raising her body temperature very slightly. She sat back in her chair and began to doze off, as it was getting late. But when her head dipped she quickly jerked herself awake. How long had she been asleep? Matthias was standing in the passage outside the cabin. He filled the doorway, far too tall to be comfortable belowdecks. How long had he been watching her? Quickly, Nina checked Vernera's pulse and breathing, relieved to find that she seemed to be stable for now.

"Was I sleeping?" She finally spoke.

"Dozing." Matthias surprisingly replied to her. "Will she live?" He then asked.

"Do you care?" Nina asked.

"Of course I care, she's human." His words dug into Nina's skin.

"I don't know, really. I did my best." She sighed. Matthias thought for a moment.

"I don't know why you'd decide to stay in Ketterdam." He said changing the subject.

"What do you mean?" Nina asked confused.

"After what you did to you could want to stay in the same place." Matthias elaborated.

"I couldn't leave you in was a mistake Matthias." Nina tried to get through to him.

"A mistake? I saved your life and you accused me of being a slaver!" Matthias rose his voice.

"Yes, and I've spent most of this last year trying to find a way to make things right." Nina said back.

"Has a true word ever left your lips?" Matthias crossed his arms.

"I've never lied to you, and I never will." Nina shook her head. "I need to tend to Vernera so.." she then said.

"Right." Matthias said softly and walked back up the steps. Nina turned back to Vernera and checked her body temperature once more when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs again.

"Saints Matthias I really do not wish to argue with you anymore-" she paused when she was faced with Kaz at the bottom of the stairs instead. "She's stable." Nina cleared her throat.

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