Chapter 13

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Vernera continued to sit in Kaz's makeshift office for a good hour, just looking out the window she was sitting by. People watching, what she did best. Kaz for the most part stayed quiet also, just scribbling notes onto papers. But he couldn't help to look up every once in awhile to see Vernera, alive and breathing. He had so much he wanted to say to her, but he knew his mind would never allow it. The tiredness was creeping up on Kaz as well, being awake for saints knows how long was finally taking a toll on him. But he continued to play it off as well as he could. He knew Vernera would notice it eventually.

"Have you eaten?" Kaz finally found the courage to speak up.

"Not really, Nina wanted me to try and eat something but I just don't feel hungry. I think being stabbed in the side has something to do with it." Vernera joked.

"You should really eat something, you need to have all your strength to heal." Kaz pushed.

"Didn't know you were my nurse?" Vernera pestered.

"Very funny." Kaz shook his head.

"I should head back down though, Inej is going to look at the wound, see if it's getting any better." Vernera stood up but felt a sharp pain as she did which caused her to hunch over and groan out. Kaz quickly stood up and walked over to her to try and help her.

"I can help you back down." Kaz said as he helped her stand up straight.

"You don't have to do that...I know you're busy." Vernera took a deep breath and tried not to think of the pain she was feeling.

"Don't be daft." Kaz said as he grabbed his cane. He put out his arm for Vernera to lean on, which she did so without a fuss. The two of them walked slowly out of the office, Kaz making sure she was well supported.

"You know, I don't really remember anything that happened after I got stabbed." Vernera said as they walked down the steps below deck. "I remember you coming to my rescue, but it goes fuzzy after that." She continued.

"Nothing worth remembering really." Kaz sighed. "Besides me being scared shitless that is." He scoffed.

"I've never seen you scared before. You must really care about me." Vernera smiled to herself.

"You know I do." Kaz said under his breath as the two reached the table that Vernera was laying on.

"There you are. Are you ready for me to examine your stab wound?" Inej asked as she walked down the steps.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Vernera laid on her back.

"Brekker? Did you get lost?" Nina joked as she joined the group downstairs.

"Wanted to make sure Vernera made it back alright." Kaz rolled his eyes.

"Alright Ve I'm not going to lie to you, this is going to sting." Inej said as she began taking off her bandage. Kaz felt his heart begin to race. He didn't like being in such a small space, especially with Vernera back on her dying bed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to hold off the panic attack that was threatening to emerge. It was Vernera's voice that brought him back down.

"Kaz? Are you ok?" She asked softly as her face winced in pain.

"Yeah...fine." Kaz took another deep breath. Vernera let out a quiet groan as Inej finished removing the bandage.

"You don't have to stay down here. I know it makes you uncomfortable." Vernera managed to say softly.

"I'm not going anywhere." Kaz looked into her eyes as he pulled over a stool and sat down next to her side.

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