A New Adventures

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???: Hey kiddo, you got a mail!

???: I got a mail.?

???: *Reads it* You are an invited participant of the Miami championship which will be held in Miami city. Founded by Leo Corporations.

???: you like to play duel monster right? Why don't you try it out?

???: but I have never touched it for a long time, especially that day...

???: still, haunts you..?

???: *nods* yeah... It does aunt...

Aunt: It is difficult to get it out of you and maybe is best to touch it again it could help you and you will probably go on an adventure who knows?

???: *sigh* I will touch it again. But will you be okay aunt.?

Aunt: Yeah, I will be okay now get ready to set off on your new journey! *smiles*

*Flashback ends*

[Attention all passengers. We will be arriving in Miami City shortly. I repeat we will be arriving in Miami City shortly. All passengers who are heading to Miami City, please prepare to disembark.]

Yutaka: I guess this is where I begin my adventure. I guess. *opens his eyes slowly and looks at his side window*

Turning towards the window he peered at his reflection. He was around 14-15 years old, He has blue hair with white highlights. However, his most distinguishing feature was his heterochromia, with his left eye grey and his right eye blue. He was clad in a black jacket with dark silver stripes, a white undershirt, navy pants, and brown shoes.

Yutaka: *Sigh* I sure do miss home but an invitation is an invitation and my aunt told me it would be a great adventure. *as he stood up and grab his rucksack and disembark from the train*

Many passengers began walking towards the exit gate with security officers who were verifying their identity. He can't blame them as there is going to be a championship soon.

When his turn came, he merely present his ID Card to the officer.

Security officer: Let's see. Name Yutaka Inoue, age 15, unaffiliated with any duel school. What's your purpose for visiting Miami City?

Yutaka: I am an invited participant in the Miami championship.

Yutaka responded, prompting the officer even some passengers to look at him with some admiration in his gazes.

Security officer: You never entered any dueling school but yet you're invited. I must say you must be an exceptional duelist to have caught the eye of the Leo corporations. I'm going, to be honest, a bunch of duel schools would be swarming you right now to get you to join their team. Especially when you perform well it will start like wildfire probably the pros team would invite you as well.

Yutaka: Glad I stay under the radar or else I would have been swarmed by any moment. *smiles and laughs a bit*

Security officer: anyway everything seems to check out. Let me welcome you to Miami City,  and all the best of luck in the championship. I'll root for you as well, so do your best!

Yutaka: thank you Mr.?

Security officer: *laughs* is Mr. Ushio 

Yutaka: Thank you for your appreciation Mr. Ushio *smiles and waves back* 

After the small exchange, Yutaka began walking around the city aimlessly and could see a tall tower with LDS on it. He could head for the accommodations provided to him by the Leo corporations for his stay in Miami City he figured to take a nice and calming stroll at a park nearby. To clear his mind out of his head.

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