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Anger is commonly confused to be a primary emotion, and when in reality it is actually a secondary emotion.

Anger can stem from being let down, betrayed, humiliated, resentful, bitter, disrespected, ridiculed,indignant, violated, furious, jealous, provoked, hostile, infuriated, annoyed, withdrawn, numb, skeptical, dismissive, upset, sat, anxious, depressed, etc. 

There are three thinking patterns that feed anger.

1. Catastrophizing which is when you make a mountain out of a mole hole and automatically assume the worst to happen. For example, "my sock has a hole in it therefore I'm going to get fired." See how the two are not directly connected at all?Catastrophizing often leads to irrational thinking. 

2.Blaming which is when you place blame on other people rather than acknowledging your own role in the situation. For example "What happened was all this persons fault and none of mine."

3. Overgeneralizing which is when you see the world and other people in all or nothing terms. For example "You always do that and its so annoying."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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