12-13 years ago

31 1 0

Let me tell you guys a story about how I came to have the best parents ever, a family of friends, my amazing girlfriend and being a bassist in the band Dark Descendants.

I remember my bio parents but they were never happy to have a son. When my sister was born when I was two they completely ignored me. So for three years I was in her shadow. My parents one day took me out on my 5th birthday and I was so excited to finally have a party. Yet when we got to the restaurant I was so busy being a kid. I didn't notice they left me a duffle bag of clothes and the only two toys I had near the table we were supposed to eat at. Then they just left me there. I was left abandoned at the restaurant and the owner called the police. By the time we got to my home the house was abandoned as well. I was placed in the orphanage and was completely alone. I would cry myself to sleep wondering why they would do this on my birthday. After almost 4 months was forced out of the orphanage because they didn't want me there and I was the only kid left. So pretty much I lived on the streets and would steal food from grocery stores. I managed to find a abandoned house that wasn't used for drugs and lived there. I would however sneak to schools and listen to lectures from the outside regardless of the weather. One day I was caught by two boys a dark grey and white hedgehog and solid white cat. They were around my age and they asked what I was doing before I ran off.
I was dreading my birthdaywhich was coming up in two months because it will be the first one I would have completely alone. I notice the local fruit and vegetable cart and my stomach was growling from hunger. So I grabbed what I can and ran off before the shop keeper saw me. Yet he did and yelled for someone to stop me. I ran into a woman with dark brown hair, Ruby lips, and blue eyes knocking my food to the ground. She asked if I was ok but the shop keeper caught up with me. "Thank you Pauline for stopping this little thief. I been trying to catch him for months!" he said. "Why are you stealing food?" She asked me and I just grabbed the food and pushed through them. I didn't eat much since I lost my full dinner. As I was about to fall asleep I heard someone coming to the house. "Shoot it's probably the cops..." I whisper and go to hide then I heard her voice. "Hello little boy?" She said sweetly but I was scared to come out. "Listen I paid for what you stole could you please come out?" She asked. "I brought you some more food" she said as I hear her footsteps getting closer. I couldn't move I became scared of how this woman found me. She opened the door and smiled a very kind smile. "There you are" she said but she didn't approach me she kept her distance and sat down with the bag of food. She leaned closer setting the bag near me and leaned back. "Where are your parents?" She asked as I took the bag that had food I never attempted to take before. "I don't know.... They abandoned me..." I said because somehow I trust this woman. I told her how I was abandoned and I saw tears in her eyes. "So the orphanage that closed down recently...." "Yep the same one...." I said biting into a pop tart. "You been living here all by yourself?" She asked and I nodded. "How old are you?" She asked. "Six years old in two months...." I replied. "Well Umm...." "Ash...." "Ash. My name is Pauline. Would you like to come and stay with me and my husband? It's going to get cold soon and I can't leave you here with nothing warm." She said and for some reason I wanted to go so I nodded and grabbed my stuff. She brought me to a lovey two story home in a nice neighborhood. When we enter the house we were greeted by a man with a large mustache and somewhat dad bod. "Is this the kid?" He asked and knelt down holding out his hand. "My name is Ivo Eggman Robotnik what's yours little guy?" He smiled. "Ash...sir" I shook his hand. "We'll get comfortable boy dinner will be ready soon." He said and I sat in the living room. "Would you like to watch tv or read?" Pauline asked me and I nodded. "Tv please I haven't watch any in a year" I smiled and she turns it on. By the time I went to sleep I had my belly full with a warm meal and for once I felt safe.
I stayed with the Robotnik's for a month and 2 weeks. I met their friends kids and two of them was the hedgehog boy and cat boy. Later that night Instead of the guest room they told me to close my eyes. So I did and when I opened them I had my very own room. "Ash we talked and we thought you could join our family forever" Pauline said and i teared up. I look at my room, think of all they done for me and look back at them with a big smile.

"Can I call you guys mom and dad?"

Dial Tone Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora