Birthday Bash

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Ivy wakes up before me and sneaks downstairs just in time to help my mom plate banana pancakes. Dad poured some hot green tea in my color change mug and they placed items on the tray. Ivy then put a small vanilla bean cupcake with blackberry whipped frosting on the tray and stuck in a candle. They walk upstairs and ivy peaks in seeing me still asleep then waves them in. (Even though I been awake the whole time) They walk in and started singing happy birthday 'waking' me up and I had a big smile on my face. Mom gave me a kiss on my head, dad hugged me and Ivy gave me both. I blow out the candle thanking them and shared my breakfast with them. So far a good day and a party later on at Stargate which was a club like place. My phone starts blowing up with happy birthday messages from my friends, their parents, coworkers of my parents, and fans. Ivy and I left the house after a couple hours to meet up with her parents for lunch while my parents set up my party with Mario, peach, Blaze and Tails. Daisy and Luigi got me a card with a gift card to my favorite store and I was very thankful. "So now that you're both 18 are we going to be expecting any wedding be—" "DAD!" Ivy blushed making her father laugh. "I'm kidding" he said and daisy rolled her eyes smiling. "Maybe in a few more years" I said making my girlfriend blush even more. "Well you have my blessing" Luigi smiled. "Thank you sir" I replied.

Later on as we were finishing up me and ivy walked over to Stargate to help out. We decided to help with the lights and everything was coming into place. I was so happy and excited. "Anthony!" "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" I turned around seeing my parents storm up. My dad stood in front of them. "Both of you leave now!" He yelled in anger which I hardly ever heard. "We want to sue you and your wife for custody of our son!" My bio dad demanded. "EXCU—" "ENOUGH!!!!" I yelled and walked past dad. "Why now huh?! Why do you want me now?! AFTER 13 DAMN YEARS?!" I demand. "We made a mistake and we—" "A MISTAKE?!?! You purposefully left a duffel bag with clothes, my birth certificate and the only two toys I was allowed to have on my own on a fucking table in Chedder Bees pizza palace!!! How is that a mistake?! Because it wasn't! You left me there alone.... When they realized what you done they tried to call you and what did they get?! A dial tone. Then the police came and they tried the numbers I gave and guess what all they got?! A DIAL TONE!!! My heart was more than torn that day it was shattered! The police were in awe and disgust when I told them where I lived only to find the place empty!!! So the only thing they could do was get CPS involved and I was thrown into an orphanage who didn't want me either!!! I was forced on the streets at five years old!!! FIVE YEARS OLD!!! I stole from carts and stores to eat, I snuck to school grounds to get some kind of education, and slept on a dust floor of an abandoned house!!!!" I screamed and their faces went very pale as the rest of my friends and their families showed up. I was shaking but I took some deep breaths. "Yet.... In some fucked up way.... I have to thank you for that..... because I wouldn't have found and met the woman who I proudly call mom. The woman who took me off the streets to her home because something in my shattered heart told me to go with her. I also met the man I proudly call dad because like her he was warm and kind. They took me in and made me part of their family. They are the ones who raised me, loved me, and made me who I am today. I have an amazing girlfriend, awesome friends, and a family that isn't related but they treat each other like it. I said. "We are so sorry we did that but we want to get custody back of you." My bio mom demanded with a smile. "Well too bad you legally can't because do you even know what today is?" I asked. "Yes we do it's your birthday son" my bio dad said. "True but how old am I today?" I asked and they were quiet for a few seconds. "You're 17 today" they said and i scoffed crossing my arms. "No I'm 18 today so no you won't be suing them for custody of me and honestly I think I should sue you two for compensation for all the money they spent to adopt me and everything else." I said and they go pale again. "So before I have you two be escorted out at least tell me why you abandoned me." I said. "We meant to call your grandmother to pick you up and we forgot that's why it was a mistake." My bio mom said and I knew it was a lie. "I guess I'll never get my answer. "Knux?Shadow? Could you guys please escort them out?" "With pleasure" shadow smirked and Knuckles cracks his knuckles walking up to them. "AT LEAST GIVE US MONEY!!! YOU OWE US BECAUSE WE ARE ONE OF THE REASONS YOU GOT FAMOUS!!!" My bio dad yelled and I stop shadow and knuckles. "Ah the truth finally comes out that'll be a no and good luck trying to sue me for it because I think the court won't take child abandonment, neglect, and stalking very well." I smirked and their jaws dropped. "You guys can take them out now" I said. "Come on let's go" knuckles said as they grabbed my bio parents. "ANTHONY PLEA—" "ITS ASH!!! Sarah. I gave myself that name because I rose from the ashes of your alls deed. Now goodbye Sarah and Todd. Hope you have a good life with your only child Halley." I said and they were kicked out. Shadow and Knuckles threatened them harm on sight if they were to show up near me again. So like they did 13 years ago they left for good. I had a very fun birthday bash and the best part is that I don't ever have to deal with them ever again.

Meanwhile back at Ash's bio parents house

"So did you two convince him to have his band play at my party or not?" Halley said and the two growled. "NO WE DIDNT!" They yelled and stormed off and she rolled her eyes.

"What ever...."

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