Concert shock

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"ZAPELLA!!! BONES!" We all yelled seeing our friends leaning on their old lockers. "You guys are back early!" Ivy smiled hugging them. "We didn't want to miss the last day of senior year are you crazy?!" Bones smirked. "Even though you two haven't been here?" Emma chuckled. "True but still!" Zapella smiled flipping her light blue and red hair. She looks like her mother but has Knuckles purple color.
Now I know what your thinking No Emma isn't related to Knuckles at all. Amy has a purple eye carrier trait from her mother that's why.

"You guys excited for the concert?" She asked as we all started walking to our homeroom. "Definitely" I said thinking nothing could possibly ruin this..... Or so I thought.

Night of the Concert

I tuned up my bass guitar getting ready for the show as Zapella does her voice exercises. Zane twirls one of his drumsticks between his fingers while humming along with Zapella. Emma finishes putting on Bones's stage make up while Ivy goes over the song list. Typical behavior for us before the show but I was more nervous because this song has some meaning.... I can't sing it tonight I'm not ready! "Yo ash ever got to the lyrics of the song?" Zapella asked. "Oh ummm yeah it's just.... Sigh I'm not ready to sing it yet...." I rubbed my arm. "Whoa hey why not the music and beat sound awesome and we all know you write out lyrics before the beat." Zane smiled and I just shook my head. "I can't I'm not ready guys...." I said and they nod. "We won't force you Ash." Bones said and I relaxed. The show starts soon and we retune the instruments. "Ok guys you're up!" Amy said with a headset on. "Thanks mom" Emma smiled. "Let's go rock guys!" Zapella said.

2 hours later

"Man that was awesome!" Zane said as we walked outside. "Right! And three encores!" Ivy added. I looked down a realized I forgot my lyrics book. "Oh crap guys I need to run back in and get my lyric book!" I said and ran inside. "Hey what happened to him singing his new song by the way?" Knuckles asked. "He got nervous and wasn't ready even though we tried to convince him dad" zapella said. "That's a shame he worked so hard on that..." dad said. "Excuse us?" Our parents and my friends turn around seeing a couple. "Yes can we help you?" Luigi asked. "We are wondering if we could speak to your bassist..." the man said. Mom walks up feeling protective. "What do you want with him?" She asked. "Who are you?" The woman asked. "I'm his mother now what do—" A loud thud makes everyone turn around as I stood there frozen. "A—" "Anthony! Oh my god look how much you've grown!" The woman said. "Anthony?" My friends said. "Knuckles, Dad, Shadow can you please make them leave...." I said. "Anthony please" the man said as they tried to walk closer to me and my dad, knuckles and Shadow stood in their way. "He wants you to leave so leave" dad growled. "No we want to talk to him!" The woman yelled. "I WANT YOU BOTH TO LEAVE NOW!!!!!" I yelled. "You heard him" shadow said and the couple leave. Once they drove off I burst out into tears. My parents hugged me tightly and asked me who they were.

"My biological parents......"

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