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My friends and I walk into the mall for autograph signing of our new album that already reached gold. It was very busy which came to no surprise to us as we signed every album and took pictures with some who asked. Then came time to eat lunch so we head to the food court to get some food while still being followed by our fans. Zapella, Bones, and Ivy got burgers, Zane, Emma and I got some pizza. We ate walking back to the signing booth and continued. The line finally gotten shorter and we were all getting pretty tired. "Hello Ash" said a girl. I looked up and was taken back. She had the same brown eyes as mine, tan skin and black hair. "Hi what's your name" I said. "Halley" she said in a clear spoiled brat tone and I froze in mid writing. "Your last name wouldn't be Apps would it...." I said and her eyes widen yeah how the heck do you know?" She asked me kinda snobbish. "Just a guess ummm here" I give her the copy and she walks away. "Ash are you ok?" Ivy asked. "I'll tell you guys later" i replied and we finished the signing. We left the mall and headed to zapella's highlander only to hear my bio parents voices in the distance. Then I hear a girl scream. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HES MY BIG BROTHER?!?!" Halley yelled making us turn. "Guys come on let's get in now" I said but then I felt someone pull my arm. It was Halley. "Ash could you do me a favor? Could you and your band sing at my sweet 16 next week? Ya know since were fam—" "WE ARE NOT FAMILY!!!!" I yelled and she stepped back. "Anthony please it would mean a lot to your sister." My bio mom said as they walked up. "So this is why you wanted to talk to me well forget it" I said and start walking to the car. "DONT TALK TO YOUR MOT—" I turned around and punched my bio dad. "SHE IS NOT MY MOTHER, YOU ARENT MY FATHER AND SHE IS NOT MY SISTER!!!! YOU ABANDONED ME!!!!" I yelled seeing the color drain from them. "13 FUCKING YEARS AND NOT HEARD A DAMN THING!!!! NOW YOU COME BACK OUT OF THE BLUE AND EXPECT ME TO DO YOU ALL A FAVOR AS I SAID FUCKING FORGET IT!!!!" I walk away and Bones, Zane, and Zapella stood in front of them when they tried to come near me. Ivy got in the car with me and Emma started it. Bones and Zapella flashed their fangs to scare my bio family away. Zapella got in the driver seat and drove out of the parking lot. We all went to our favorite restaurant that helped me calm down even more. After that Zapella dropped me off at my house with Ivy since we got permission for her to stay over. My parents saw the pain in my eyes but I just went straight to my room as ivy explained what had happened. Later on mom and dad came in with dark hot chocolate for me and ivy before we headed to bed. Ivy left the room with her mug as my parents talked to me about the situation. They even asked if I wanted to try to bulid a relationship with my sister since she was a baby when I was abandoned. I said no because she was entitled since I met her before she even knew I was her brother. They understood and told me that they loved me and I hugged them both. They left my room and ivy walks back in laying down next to me. She placed my head on her chest and I hear her heart beating making me feel happy. After we talked we kissed and fell asleep for a big day tomorrow.

It my 18th birthday

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