Date Night

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Lucy and Tim had a rough week at work, their schedules didn't align and they were under a lot of stress due to a police shooting within their division, although they didn't know the person well it still hurt. So Lucy and Tim decided to have a date night.

Tim let Lucy pick the restaurant and she chose a Thai restaurant with an outside view of the city and great food. Tim and Lucy dressed casual, Lucy wearing light leather pants and a brown sweater, and Tim wearing light grey jeans a light fitting grey shirt.

After shift Tim was waiting for Lucy out side of the station to take them to the restaurant, when Lucy walked out all Tim could think of was how beautiful she looked in this moment, and in every moment. When she met Tim near his truck, he immediately pulled her by her hips and gave her a big hug.

When they separated from the hug their eyes met, after a few seconds of that their lips touched in a deep passionate kiss, they pulled away saying they probably shouldn't make out in the station parking lot. Tim helped Lucy get into the his truck then proceeded to get him self in the truck.

The whole car ride Tim's hand was on Lucy's thigh with her hand laying on top of his. When they got to the restaurant they agreed Tim would go order and Lucy would find a table. When Tim was waiting in the pick up line after ordering his food a tall, thin, blond woman came up to Tim and started to make friendly conversation about the long wait for the food. " I have already been waiting here for 30 minutes" the lady said. "Yeah it's crazy hahaha" Tim replied dryly hinting he had no interest in the conversation.

Lucy was sitting at the table for a while when she decided to check up on Tim because he had been gone for nearly 30 minutes. When she walked to the line she saw a tall, thin, blond white woman standing next to Tim and laughing at whatever he was saying, she also saw the lady put her hands on Tims arms which he quickly moved to remove her hands from him. Although Lucy knew Tim was not interested in the lady she still felt jealous.  Lucy wasn't going to take this any longer so she went up to Tim, " Hey babe, i'm getting tired, so i figured we could just take the food home?" "Yes that sounds perfect!" Tim said happy to get out of that awkward conversation.

"It was nice talking to you" Tim said with a fake smile, "WAIT" the lady said as Lucy and Tim turned around. "what" Lucy and Tim said. " What if you come over to my house handsome?" " No he's okay" lucy replied rudely. " why don't you let the handsome man speak for himself." she said it a seductive tone, "she was correct, i'm okay you have a good night though." Tim replied " Oh cmon we would have much cuter kids" the lady said as Tim brushed her off and walked away pulling Lucy along with him.

The car ride back was full of jokes about the crazy weird lady and how absurd she was being. But lucy could stop thinking about that comment the lady made, *we would have much cuter kids* replayed over and over in her mind. After they ate and watched some tv Lucy finally brought it up to to Tim. "Oh baby, don't let her get to you I will pick you over her every time, but you know making baby's is a hard process, maybe we should practice to get it down patt?"

Lucy laughed at his words but crawled on top of him and started kissing him anyways. Tim started to move lucy's pants down her body and of of her legs. He rubbed his harsh and muscular hands all over her soft smooth legs, and slowly massaged her cheeks as she moaned. They took a breather to admire each other and to get Tims cloths of, as Tim continued undressing and was left with zero clothes on he smoothly guided himself into her with the help of Lucy, Tim parted their mouths as lucy was moaning. Tim took that as an opportunity to remove her sweater to get her fully undressed, but little did he know Lucy had nothing under her sweater. When he removed her sweater her plump breasts fell onto his face pushing him over the edge and her as well. They laid next to each other smiling in purr bliss, as Tim whispered in her ear "you're the only one i'll ever pick."

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