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It was a calm, spring day. The sun shone through the partly cloudy sky onto the forest below, and a gentle breeze blew leaves and flower petals through the air. It was the kind of day that just made you want to lay down and relax.

However, a certain blue hedgehog soon came speeding through the forest, interrupting the calmness. Sonic could see Tails' workshop in the distance. A smile spread across his face, excited to see his best friend. Once he arrived he didn't hesitate to open the door, not even stopping to knock first.

"Hey, Tails!" Sonic said cheerfully, stepping into the workshop as he swung the door open.

"AH!" Tails jumped in his seat, gathering himself a bit. "Oh, uh, hey Sonic!" replied a bit sheepishly.

"Heh... sorry about that," Sonic chuckled a bit as he walked over to Tails. "I didn't mean to startle you!" He leaned on the desk Tails was working at. "You ready to race?"

Tails looked at him a bit confused, tilting his head.

"Race?" Tails asked in an unsure tone. The yellow fox pondered to himself, trying to remember if he had forgotten anything. His ears fell a bit as he suddenly remembered what Sonic was talking about. "Oh, uh..."

"Don't tell me you forgot already!" Sonic exclaimed, looking at Tails disappointedly. "We planned to hang out today, remember?" Sonic frowned. It wasn't like Tails to just bail out on him.

"Sorry Sonic, I might be a bit late..." Tails explained, feeling bad about not telling Sonic sooner. "My miles electric was bugging out, so I'm trying to fix it up first."

Disappointment was in Sonic's eyes. He'd been looking forward to this, and here Tails was, changing things last minute.

"Can't it wait until later?" Sonic asked, a hopeful tone in his voice. Tails shook his head in response.

"It should only take an hour or two! You can wait, right Sonic?" Tails asked in response. He was already halfway done, and he didn't just want to drop what he was doing.

Sonic sighed. As much as he wanted to race his little buddy now, he didn't want to annoy him too much. He could tell Tails was already invested in this. Sonic knew once he started working on one of his devices, it'd be hard to just pull him out of it before he's finished.

"No worries! I can wait!" Sonic said with a reassuring smile. He crossed his arms, standing patiently. Tails smiled back in response.

"Thanks, Sonic!" Tails turned back to work on his device. Sonic continued to stand patiently. Seconds passed by, then minutes. Soon he couldn't help but start to tap his foot, first at a normal speed, then speeding up to a rapid pace. Tails stopped what he was doing and turned back to Sonic. He had an annoyed grin on his face.

"Uh, Sonic? Kindaaa trying to focus here". He knew Sonic didn't mean any ill will, but he also knew Sonic wasn't the most patient person. Sonic frowned once again, looking apologetic.

"Sorry, Tails! I guess the boredom's just getting to me..." Sonic uttered as he walked over to Tails' bookshelf, leaning against it while crossing his arms.

"Can't you do something in the meantime? You can borrow one of my books if you want," Tails suggested. Sonic stood up and eyed the bookshelf, feeling a bit silly. A book would probably be a much better way to pass the time than just standing in place. He reached for a random book on the shelf with one hand, looking at Tails and giving him reassuring thumbs up with the other.

"Good idea, Tails!" Sonic said with a smile on his face. "Just come get me when you're done, alright?"

Tails let out a slight sigh of relief, glad to have some time alone to focus on what he was doing.

"Deal! Thanks, Sonic!"

"No problem, buddy!"

And with that, Sonic dashed out the door of his friend's workshop, book in hand. While glad to have something to do in the meantime, he still hoped Tails wouldn't keep him waiting too long...

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