The Hall of Doors

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Sonic found himself alone in a dimly lit hallway. All along the walls of the hallway were doors, one after another. He looked at his surroundings, thinking to himself.

"Hm... Tails couldn't have gotten too far." Sonic dashed over to each door and tried to open them. Unfortunately, they were all locked. He burrowed his eyebrow. "Alright. Maybe a spindash'll do the trick!"

Sonic spun into his signature spindash and rammed into each of the doors, attempting to break them down. He quickly got back up to see if it had done anything, but his eyes widened to see that none of the doors even had a dent in them.

"Those are some study doors..." Sonic backed up a bit as he pondered to himself what to do, only to feel himself walk into something. Startled, he jumped back and turned around to see a small, glass table. The blue hedgehog tilted his head in confusion, scratching his head.

"Huh... I don't remember this being here" Sonic remarked as he continued to stare at the table in disbelief. On the surface of it was a small, golden key. Having caught Sonic's eye, he picked it up and examined it, then looked over at the doors in the hallway. He smiled to himself. "Looks like this might be my key to getting out of here!"

Sonic tried the key in each of the doors, but to his disappointment, the key was too small to fit into any of them. He pouted and stared at the key in his hand, tapping his foot impatiently.

"Well that wasn't much help" Sonic uttered in annoyance. He was already starting to get tired of this place. He glanced around the hallway once more, but this time he noticed something he hadn't before; a large curtain hanging on the wall.

Intrigued, Sonic went over and pulled open the curtain. At first he was confused to be greeted by a plain wall, but when he glanced down, he was surprised to see a small door around 10 inches high.

"Heh... that's cute," Sonic chuckled. "Was this made for a mouse?" He crouched down to the door and eyed it curiously as he fiddled the key in his hand. Could the key unlock this door? His thoughts were answered when he inserted the key into the small key hole with a satisfying click. It fit perfectly!

Sonic eagerly opened the small door and looked inside. He was amazed to see that inside was the most beautiful garden he had ever seen.

"Wow..." Sonic gazed at the garden in awe, a smile growing on his face. All the flowers looked so lovely, and there was plenty of area to run around in!

He rested his head on his hand and continued to admire everything from afar. He longed to be able to run through the green grass and past the cool water fountains. It would be great to be near the beautiful rose bushes and enjoy the blue skies and sunshine. At this point, anything seemed better than being in this dark, dull hallway. Who knows, maybe Tails could've even gone this way!

Unfortunately, Sonic's smile began to fade as he realized there was no way he would be able to get through the door at his size. Not even his head would be able to fit through. His ears drooped slightly as he let out a sigh.

"Too bad I'm not smaller," Sonic muttered disappointedly as he shut the door and locked it. He walked back over to the glass table, partially hoping that there might be another key on it for a different door. To his surprise, there was now a bottle on the table filled with red liquid.

"Ok, I KNOW this wasn't here before," Sonic commented as he set down the key and picked up the bottle, both intrigued and suspicious. Around the neck of the bottle was a paper label with the words "DRINK ME" printed in large letters.

Sonic eyed the bottle as he inspected it. For all he knew, this could be a trap. However, he didn't seem to have many other options, so he proceeded to uncork the bottle. The neck of the container squeaked as the wooden cork was loosened and removed.

He decided to smell the liquid first, thinking that if the scent was bad, he would forget about drinking it. Once he did, he was taken aback a bit to find that it smelled... good? He ventured to take a sip.

"Wow! What is this?" Sonic grinned, looking at the bottle wide eyed. "This is great!" It was a flavor Sonic hadn't tasted before; a strange combination of cherry tart, custard, pineapple, roast turkey, toffee, and hot buttered toast. Despite how odd it was, it was delicious, and he promptly drank the rest of it.

After finishing off the drink, Sonic began to feel... strange...

"What...." his voice trailed off as he noticed his surroundings appear to get larger! His eyes darted around frantically as the top of the glass table got higher and higher above him. "W-What's happening to me?" Sonic exclaimed in distress. He looked down at himself, dumbfounded - he had shrunken down to only 6 inches tall!

After his initial shock had worn off, Sonic's face lit up at the realization that he was now small enough to get into the garden. He dashed over to the small door, now just the right size for him, and attempted to open the door. Unfortunately, it was locked.

Sonic frowned and facepalmed. "That's right... I need the key." He glanced up at the key on the glass table, which was now way out of reach for him at his current size. But he simply grinned and flicked his nose in response.

"Nothing a quick run won't solve!"

Sonic revved himself up in a super peel out, then dashed up the leg of the glass table. He was on his way towards the top when suddenly, he felt himself begin to slip down. The glass was too slippery for him to gain traction!

"Nonono!" Sonic cried out and he slipped further and further down, eventually finding himself back at the bottom of the table leg. He stood up and stared back at the key on the table, slightly more annoyed now. "Okay... let's try that again."

Alas, despite dashing up the table several times, Sonic just couldn't seem to gain enough traction to get all the way to the top. After a couple more attempts, Sonic crossed his arms and pouted, frustrated with the situation.

"Great. Now what." The small hedgehog mumbled to himself in a peeved tone. As he was considering his options for what to do next, his eye fell upon a small glass box nearby. This took his interest, so he ran over to see what was inside.

Sonic opened up the glass box, and inside he found a cupcake frosted with vanilla buttercream. The words "EAT ME" were beautifully iced on top. He picked it up and eyed it with intrigue.

"Hm.." A smile formed on Sonic's face, thinking to himself. "I'll eat it." He looked back up at the key on the table. "If it makes me taller, I can grab that key," He then glanced over to the small door. "If it makes me smaller, I can sneak under that door." He looked back at the cupcake in his hand with a more determined expression. "Either way, I'm getting out of here. So I don't care what happens!"

Sonic ate a bit of the cake this time, wondering what affects it would have on him. After a few moments of waiting, nothing had happened, so he quickly finished off the rest of it.

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