Down The Rabbit Hole

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"Hmm... let's see..." Sonic uttered, book in hand. He was running around the area, trying to find a good place to sit back and read. His eyes eventually fell upon a sturdy tree near a calm riverbank. Sonic smiled as he approached it. "There. This spot seems good enough". He plopped down next to the tree and stretched out.

Once he got himself comfortable, Sonic looked at the book he brought with, curious as to what it was. He had grabbed it nonchalantly, not bothering to look at the title. The cover of the book in his hands read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

"Huh. Don't think I've read this one before..." Sonic commented to himself, opening up the book. His eyes started skimming through the text, when he heard a rustling noise nearby. Sonic looked up from his book with a hopeful expression, half expecting to see Tails heading over. However, he was met with disappointment as it was revealed to just be the breeze blowing through the bushes near him.

Sonic laid back against the tree and sighed. Normally he loved a good book, but for some reason he just wasn't in much of a reading mood today. He rested his head on his hand and absentmindedly flipped through the pages.

"I wish Tails would hurry up soon..." He sighed. "... I wonder... how much longer..." The cool breeze gently shook the leaves from the tree above him. The relaxing sound of a babbling brook could be heard from the riverbank nearby. Sonic couldn't help but let out a yawn. His eyelids slowly closed as he began to doze off...


"Oh dear oh dear! I shall be late!"

Sonic's ear began to twitch as he heard the familiar voice in the distance. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up a bit. He knew Tails' voice anywhere.

"Heh... that was quicker than I thought," Sonic chuckled. He looked up, expecting to see his little bro, but his eyes widened when he saw who was running past him. "T-Tails!?"

The fox in the distance seemed to be Tails, even sounding just like him. However, unlike Tails' normal fox ears, he had large rabbit ears! Not only that, he was wearing a waistcoat and carrying a large pocket watch!

"Oh my ears and whiskers! How late it's getting!" The Rabbit Tails cried out as he ran off into the forest. Sonic just sat there like a deer in the headlights, trying to process what he just witnessed.

"Was that... Tails?" Sonic wondered to himself. It sure seemed like him. After all, he sounded just like him, and he looked nearly identical to him besides the rabbit ear. And who else does he know that has two tails? This day was certainly getting more interesting. He stood up and followed Rabbit Tails into the forest, figuring he might as well find out what's going on.

Sonic showed up just in time to spot Rabbit Tails jump into a nearby rabbit hole. He quickly ran over to it and peered in, his hands on either side of the entrance.

"Tails? Hello?" Sonic yelled into the seemingly bottomless pit, hearing his voice echo back at him. He leaned in closer, trying to spot his friend, but all he could see inside was darkness. Suddenly, his hand slipped, and Sonic tumbled in head first. He frantically attempted to grab onto the edge of the entrance, but it was too late.

"WOAHHHH!!!" Sonic yelled as he plummeted into the abyss, his hands waving helplessly. The light above him slowly faded as he descended down further. He closed his eyes, expecting to hit the bottom face first as he had done many times in the past.

Suddenly, Sonic felt as light as a feather. He opened his eyes in confusion as his ascent gradually slowed down, to the point where he wasn't falling anymore. Instead, he was... floating? Or at least falling at an incredibly leisurely pace. Sonic positioned himself upright and chuckled nervously, a mix of confusion and relief.

"Well, uh... I'm not complaining!" he remarked, attempting to look at his surroundings. It was so dim he could hardly see anything. "Man... a light would be nice..."

As if on cue, Sonic could faintly make out the pull switch of a lamp near him in the darkness. He reached out and wrapped his hand around the chain, then pulled. The lamp clicked on, shining a warm light around the rabbit hole.

Now able to get a better look, Sonic gazed at his surroundings. On the sides of the well hung numerous paintings and pictures. Several pieces of furniture such as bookshelves and dressers surrounded him as he continued to descend.

"What kind of rabbit hole is this...?" Sonic wondered to himself, watching his reflection go by as he fell past a large mirror. He peered below him past his shoes, seeing if he could make out the ground below. However, it was too dark for him to see anything further down. He scratched his head in confusion.

Various smaller objects passed by him, such as teacups, books and jars. One jar in particular caught the hedgehog's attention; a glass container labeled CHILI. Sonic reached for the jar with intrigue, a grin on his face.

"Might as well have a snack on the way down," he commented as he unscrewed the lid on the jar. He had missed his breakfast that morning, so some chili sounded pretty good to him right now. Sonic pulled off the lid and peered inside the jar. To his disappointment, it was empty. He let out a sigh as he screwed the lid back on and set the jar on a table he passed by. "So much for that."

On and on Sonic fell. He laid on his back with his arms behind his head and his legs crossed. It felt like he had been descending for hours. Sonic grabbed a paddle ball he passed by and started playing with it to pass the time. Did this hole even have an end to it? At this rate, he might as well fall through the center of the Earth.

Suddenly, Sonic was greeted by a pile of sticks and dry leaves. He sat up and attempted to brush them out of his quills. It wasn't the nicest landing, but at least it was better than faceplanting. He looked above him to try to see where he fell from, but that was soon interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Oh dear! I'm late!" The voice of Rabbit Tails echoed through the hallways ahead of Sonic. The yellow fox-rabbit could be spotted down the hall just before turning around a corner.

"Hey, hold on!" Sonic called out as he chased after his little bro down the corridor. He quickly dashed around the corner at the end, expecting to have caught up to him. "Tails!" Sonic skidded to a stop and looked around in confusion. He was nowhere to be seen, as if he had vanished.

"Where'd you go?" 

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