The Pool of Tears

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After eating the rest of the cupcake, Sonic began to feel strange again. It was a similar feeling to the one he had before, but this time, something was... different.

He looked down at himself, feeling a bit uneasy. "What's happening now?" He wondered. His arms were crossed, and he was tapping his finger anxiously.

Sonic started to notice the floor get further and further away from him. At first, he was glad to see he was growing to his normal size again. However, his joy quickly turned into concern when he noticed he wasn't stopping.

"Woahh..." Sonic took a step back and nervously stared at his increasingly shrinking surroundings, having gone far past the glass table at this point. Suddenly, his head struck the ceiling!


Sonic looked at himself in shock as he was now over 9 feet tall! He awkwardly crouched down, as he could no longer stand straight up in the hallway at his size.

"Great," Sonic groaned, sitting down and rubbing his head. "This is a bit too much..."

His eye fell upon the key on the glass table below. He perked up a bit, a smile forming on his face. "At least I can get the key now!"

He eagerly grabbed the key, but his smile faded slightly when he saw how small it was in his large hand. His ears lowered a bit. "Oh... right."

Sonic got onto his knees and carefully opened the door. The most he could do is lay down and peer into the garden with one eye; it was so close, yet just out of reach. He shut the door and sighed, set the key back on the table, and began to stand up - then proceeded to hit his head on the ceiling again, having forgotten how tall he was at that moment.

He slumped to the ground and frowned. His head was in his hands and his ears drooped down. He hated this. He had no idea where Tails had gone, and he was sick of being stuck in here. There wasn't even enough room for him to run now! He was practically a sitting duck. All he wanted to do is get out of this stupid hallway.

Tears began to well up in Sonic's eyes. "Come on, cut that out," he scolded himself with a harsh tone in his voice, wiping his face with his arm. "You can't be acting like this! Pull yourself together!" But tears continued to roll down his cheeks and splash onto the ground. He tried to come up with a solution to his situation, but he was too upset to think straight.

Soon his crying was interrupted by the sound of footsteps further down the hall. Sonic quickly wiped away his tears and attempted to calm himself down - he didn't want anyone seeing him like this. He looked to see who was in the hallway, and was surprised to see the Tails with rabbit ears heading towards him!

"Oh dear, I'm so late!" The yellow fox-rabbit spoke in a worried tone as he hurried down the hall. He hadn't yet looked up to see Sonic, and was instead focused on the pocket watch in his hand. In his other hand he carried an extra pair of gloves and a fan.

Sonic's face brightened up, relieved to see his younger brother. He grinned widely as the Rabbit Tails approached him. "Hey, buddy! Boy, am I glad to see you!"

However, once the yellow fox-rabbit looked up to see Sonic, he stopped and took a step back. His eyes widened in shock and he trembled in fear! He dropped his fan and gloves, then ran down the hall in the opposite direction!

"Hey, wait!" The large hedgehog yelled out frantically, reaching a hand out, but it was too late; The Rabbit Tails had left through one of the doors. Sonic was once again all alone in the hallway. He sighed, disheartened, and slowly lowered his hand. "Tails..."

His eyes fell upon the fan and gloves the Rabbit Tails had dropped. It was a bit stuffy in the hallway, so Sonic picked up small fan and started to fan himself. He sat back against the wall and rested his head on his hand.

"Ok Sonic," He thought to himself. "Being sad won't solve anything. This isn't like you." He paused, then shook his head. "I guess I'm just not feeling like myself... Everything's been so strange since I got here..."

Sonic glanced over to the fan in his hand, and he was startled to see that it was now huge! He was shrinking again! But how? He soon realized that it was the fan making him shrink, and he promptly dropped it on the ground.

"Woah!" Sonic stared down at himself, seeing that he had shrunk down to 3 inches tall. "That was close..." He shivered at the thought of shrinking out of existence if he had held onto the fan for too long.

"Well, at least I'm small enough to fit through the door-" He stopped as he looked up at the glass table, spotting the key on the surface - he was back in the same situation as before. He groaned and facepalmed. "No, not this again!"

He backed up as he attempted to get a better look at the key, trying to think of any other ideas, when he suddenly slipped and fell backwards.


Sonic found himself in a large pool of water! He desperately splashed around, his eyes darting around for something to grab onto. "Help! Can't swim!" He noticed the empty "DRINK ME" bottle floating near him, so he quickly grabbed onto it and climbed on top.

He looked around him; all he could see was an endless ocean of salt water. He frowned and scratched his head, embarrassed. "No way... did I really cry that much?"

Sonic thought about what to do next. He figured it would be best to try to find somewhere dry; it was a better option than just floating in the water. Still hanging onto the empty bottle, he put his feet into the water and started to kick rapidly, propelling himself forward through the water.

After a bit of traversing, he noticed what looked to be a beach in the distance. It seemed rather unusual to him, but at this point he just was relieved to see any kind of land or surface. So with little other options, the small hedgehog set off towards the beach.

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