dear death

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why is death
so unexpected, so sudden, so anticlimactic
this being who once walked the earth
breathing the same air as we
under the same moon as me
whisked away in a heartbeat.

why does death
strike when we're busy, when we're stressed, when we're unsuspecting
not realizing their presence
until it is
swept away in ashes

what is left
to do but cry, yell at the sky
our unsaid words and regrets

what is left
to do but go on living
as fragile living beings
walking on earth
not knowing which step could be our last


something death taught me
is that life is brief
too brief to be spent overthinking, overanalyzing, second-guessing, sabotaging
your full potential

something death taught me
is that life can be sweet
the memories of our loved ones
gracing our darkest moments

something death taught me
is that life
with all its monotony and difficulty
is an opportunity of hope

life is given, life is taken
all beyond our control
so now what we do
with the life we're livin'
is to live it as a whole

for those who have had loved ones taken away from them, i wish you warm hugs and closure.

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