the ten

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(Names that i write are purely coincidental)

Sarah was the first,
As she crept away that night
She perished from hunger and maybe thirst
Her body no longer in sight.

Burk was the second,
As he leaped out into the night
He was the bravest of us all, he was never frightened
Yet he never returned when it was light.

Angela was the third
As she stealthily slipped through the night
But her screams and cries were never heard
And she left although she put up a fight

Camille was the fourth,
As she jauntily skipped towards the night
She never came back, what a waste of youth
She had dazzling eyes that shone so bright

Steven was the fifth,
As he was thrown into the night
It was such a shame, he had such a gift
He could see ahead time, and was always right

For he predicted

Nila came in sixth,
As she got dragged amidst the night
We were polar opposites, we never mixed
Yet to see her gone, it gave me quite a fright

Amber came in seventh
She went willingly to the night
She was noble, i hope that she finds heaven
I prayed and pleaded with all my might.

Little Timmy came in eighth,
As he bawled and resisted the pull of the might.
To have lived so short, it must've been fate
But that didn't justify it, not even a slight

Gracie came in ninth
Her ponytail yanked by the notorious night
She was too humble, she was too kind
She didn't deserve torture to that height

I am the tenth
As i tried to surpass the might,
But it's claws were sharp, and it drew me in
It consumed me and all i saw was white.

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