A normal evening

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"Aqua! Ruby! Mama's home!"

Both Ruby and Aqua turned to where their mother's voice came from. Their baby arms flapped about at her directions, their hands opened and shut, longing for Ai's touch. Very good reflexes for infants, I thought to myself.

"Yoi... sho...!" - Ai dropped off a huge shopping bag near the cribs and made a dash towards her little angels. - "Thank you for looking after Aqua and Ruby, Sensei! Otsukaresama!*"

"Welcome home, Hoshino-san." - I nodded.

Hoshino Ai was an idol with peerless beauty and I'd be willing to argue she hasn't even reached her prime yet. Today she went shopping for baby essentials, undercover of course. Both president Saitou and I tried to convince her to let us go in her stead, but Ai insisted, saying she wanted to experience this particular part of motherhood for herself. Her outfits were quite similar to what she wore when Saitou-san took her to my hospital back in Miyazaki-ken, just instead of the maternity dress, Ai sported a... well, sporty combination of a down jacket and a pair of jeans. Saitou-san even lent her one of his pairs of sunglasses to add to the disguise. The president's wife was also asked to escort Ai, because a young teenager going shopping for layettes and the likes would raise a few eyebrows at least and we all agreed not to take any chances. Finally, Ai's luxurious violet crowning glories were tied into a tuck and roll bun, fit comfortably in the very same cap she always used.

When Ai returned to her babies, I was blessed with the sight of her hair bun unrolling itself to the former free-flowing lustre when she took the cap off. The moment lasted mere seconds, and yet I felt like my brain has burned it onto my retinae forever. Ahhhh... my soul has been cleansed, any fatigue instantly washed away when my hard work was rewarded with Ai's grin as the babies swooped from my embrace into hers. Ai was still so cute!! Twee!!! Even now when she was recovering from her pregnancy, her idol aura still leveled up with some motherly charm sprinkled in. And being able to bask in her light made me positively, absolutely, 100% appreciate the fact that I accepted Saitou Ichigo-san's offer of cooperation! Such happiness!

"Ba-ba-bu..." - Aqua cooed, rubbing her cheeks in her mother's bosom. I unfastened the baby wrap I was wearing and gave it to Ai, seeing as her arms were about to give out.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Hoshino-san." - I ruffled Aqua's head while her mother put on the wrap. - "I know you're really healthy and all, but it's best to dial it back... That reminds me, where's Miss President's wife?"

"Sato-san? Hunnnnn..." - Ai held Ruby up high, making the older twin giggle in response. - "I think she was parking her car? She told me to go up first."

"Their name is Saitou... And you were with her just now, weren't you...?"

Ai's memory didn't, by any chance, worsen, did she? I pondered to myself. Then another shopping bag just as huge as the first one came through the still opened office door. A brunette with a smoking hot figure immediately nagged at us as soon as she got her breath together.

"Mouu...! Hoshino-san! Why didn't you come back to help me carry all these stuff upstairs?! They're goddamn heavy!"

"Really? I carried mine no problem though?" - Ai smiled back at the complaint, blissfully unaware of the difference in stamina between hers and someone's who never had close to any sorts of physical training required for a top-class idol.

Come to think of it... Maybe even I would have had a bit trouble carrying that many things normally, much less up one or two stair flights. Miyako-san grit her teeth, but managed to stop herself from another retort. She was still very much a young woman herself, might be only in her early twenties at most. Saitou Ichigo-san must've been one hell of a player to land a beauty like Miyako-san as his wife.

Oshi no Ko - What If, Gorou's EditionWhere stories live. Discover now