Chapter Seventeen: Rehearsals

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3rd of May 2023 - Westminster Abbey 

Cameras had been following them around since the family had come out of mourning from the late Queen, covering the lead up to the coronation and with the family giving personal insights to the death of the late Queen and the reign of the new King. 

The documentary would focus on the first months of Charles' reign leading up to his coronation, with focus also covering the death of the late Queen which triggered the events of the documentary. 

The Princess Royal and the Archbishop of Canterbury talking about the death of the late Queen and made mention of the moment of the transition of power between monarchs. 

The first speech Christmas Day speech given in seventy years that wasn't by the Queen, the official photos of Charles and Camilla which had been taken in January. 

Work had been done on the crown jewels at the beginning of the year, making sure that the crowns would fit the heads of the new monarch and consort. 

The St Edward's crown was nearly the oldest piece of coronation jewellery and was based on the crown that had been melted down by Oliver Cromwell. 

It was reduced in size for George V but it had to have pieces readded to the frame to make it bigger for Charles. 

Things had been non stop for Charles since he had come to the throne, there was always something that needed doing and his focus was always shifting to each new challenge that came his way. 

Camilla also had new responsibilities and roles as his Queen Consort, she had stepped into the role well and doing her best to support her husband as they adjusted to the big change in their lives. 

Despite the fact that the new King and Queen still lived at Clarence House while work was still being done on Buckingham Palace, it was clear that they were contented in the place that they had called home for nearly twenty-years now. 

There had been twenty embroideries had been working on the robes for the new King and Queen, working around the clock to get the robes completed in time for the coronation. 

Charles and Camilla had been actively involved in visiting those who worked on the coronation, wanting them to how much their work meant to them and to thank them in their own way for what they were doing. 

There had been rehearsals taking place for weeks, the ballroom in Buckingham Palace had been set up for practice with everything had a place and it gave everyone a chance to do the coronation from start to finish.

There were around seventy people involved in the coronation, from the procession to the elements of the service; there was nothing that wasn't rehearsed and nothing was being left to chance as it was such an important day.

Adeline, Simon and their children had arrived at Westminster Abbey for the rehearsals, along with William, Catherine and their three children; all prepared for the big day that was fast approaching them. 

It was a chance for William and Adeline to support Charles as he prepared for his big day, the abbey was filled with people everyone eager to get this right as the world prepared for the first coronation in seventy years. 

The last time that the UK had held a coronation had been all the way back in Fifty-Three, no one really alive today knew what went into planning the last one. 

Charles smiled moving to greet his children and grandchildren, there were smiles all around and it wasn't just a royal occasion or a national occasion but a family one. 

"It looks amazing doesn't it," Catherine said speaking with the Archbishop of Canterbury, unable to believe how fast they had managed to pull this off; she and William had been paying close attention to everything that happened as next time it would be their turn. 

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