Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Tsunade had seen her fair share of difficult patients; she wasn't old or even close to retirement. She just entered her thirties, but that didn't mean she could tell you how many men, woman and children she has had the displeasure of treating.

They all thought there was a pill or medication for all problems in their lives.

Got a cough, they want a pill.

Suffer from headaches, where's the treatment?

My son won't listen to me, is there a medication for unruly brats?


Her answer would always be... treat them like the plague. She would suit up; gloves, masks, googles even, you name it. Instructing her patients to give every single piece of information to her most patient staff and drag them on until she would go see them and ask those questions all over again.

Only to end with a recommendation for a therapist, a nutritionist or even a counsellor. You waste my time for a cold that must run its course and your own body knows how to fight it, I will waste your time and hope there is an understanding over what really requires medical treatment and what doesn't.

She has real patients to tend to, people who are in pain and need medication, treatments and constant check-ups so they can live another day as others scramble the world for answers to many problems a simple pill cannot fix.

Those days she would deal with people asking to speak with a doctor about their life and how much they suffer from problems they caused to themselves... yet won't change their lifestyle; those days are a break from reality.

A break from the constant flow of bad news and suffering patients who bring along their families and loved ones to see from afar how they waste away from a disease they can't treat.

Sadly, those patients who really need her don't seek help until it's too late. They rather not bother anyone and hold off the warning signs, letting their loved ones clueless and ashamed they never noticed what was going on.

Honestly... if there wasn't a system of nurses and medical personnel filtering the cases before, she got to them, her time and energy would have been wasted on those who don't need her.

Doctors aren't the answer to everything.

Hard pills to swallow. That is what you'll get.

Don't get her wrong, it wasn't always like this. She was once young and naïve enough to think people knew when to ask for help. She grew up in a family of healers and warriors, it was natural for them to take care of their bodies and save lives.

Even if some of those lives had a bad attitude. - "Do we really have the same problem as yesterday?" - she grumbled.

- "I'm sorry Doctor, we tried to convince him and keep him calm." - the nurse began. - "We have contacted the next of kin, but they are out and will arrive soon." -

Her brown eyes scanned the electronic tablet, many words and numbers she didn't want the loved ones to read. Bad news is always hard to interpret once the results get to her hands.

Vitals dropping, worrying results and inefficient treatments over the harsh symptoms. The man she had been treating over the last few months was holding on a thin rope. She knew his time was running out and he would be buried along his fallen comrades.

Just like many have.

She signed. - "I'll go see him." - her words carried her to the ugly reality they faced. - "Is he stable?" - the small nod of the nurse was enough. - "Make sure to keep the family updated, I'll do what I can." -

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