Chapter 6

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I let out a huge sigh, as I sobered up watching all the recordings.. I remembered everything again.. But because only a few hours were left for me to propose Y/n, I didn't take any negative thoughts into my mind and I picked up the camera again for recording.

Before I could press start, there was a knock on the door. I groaned as I got up and I opened the door.

There she was. She told me she's returning to America that night. So, I invited her in to say a proper goodbye.

She went inside and we did small talk for a while.

"Don't laugh,it happens okay! It wasn't even that bad.I forgot the steps that's all."

She looked at me for a second, and before I knew, she kissed me.

The first thought I had was Y/n. I closed my eyes for a brief second and remembered everything. Our first kiss, our first holding hands, our walk on the beach. The excitement, happiness and nervousness I had when I first kissed you, didn't feel here. Because I didn't love her.

And then I heard a loud noise. There was Y/n, standing shocked, shaking.

"Y/n?", was the only thing which could get out of my mouth.

I got up from the couch, but she was fast enough to rush out. I looked at Sienna, with tears in my eyes.

I messed up. I promised nothing would happen. I messed up. Jimin you messed up.

Was the only voice I could hear. I took my jacket and rushed out of the hotel.

I don't care who the fuck is Sienna and my career. I need to get back my woman. I have to.

I drove as fast as I could as I rushed to Y/n's hotel. All throughout the drive, I had only one thought.

Will this be the end?

I knocked twice on her door and I saw her opening it up. She was tired, her eyes, lips, body. Everything. She had been crying. Her lips are dry.

Seeing her in this condition broke me apart, she tried to close the door, but this time I was fast enough to stop it. I opened the door wide.


"I don't want to hear it. I believe in my eyes enough."

"I promise it's not what it looks like. she kissed ME Y/N! "

"Do you take it as a joke, Jimin?"

"Never Y/N,I love you"

Within the blink of an eye, she picked up a vase and threw it at me. I dodged and looked at her wide eyed.

She started screaming in frustration and threw and destroyed everything her hand could reach. My tears were rolling down my cheeks continuously, as I tried to stop her.


"STOP IT Y/N! you're going to hurt yourself!",

I held her tightly from behind, to calm her down and stop whatever she was doing.
She broke free from my grip and turned towards me,

"Don't you think I'm already hurt? Don't you?", she screamed at me, hitting my chest.

I let her. I let her punch, kick, do anything she wanted. I just wanted her. Her. To be with me. To be with the world we wanted to create. The tears of a woman, is like stabbing knives to a man's chest. But still I let her cry out, because at the end of the day, she was crying because of me. I deserved stabbing.

I shattered everything.

"I HATE YOU! I never want to see your face again, okay? Get the hell out! You lied to my face! You lied to my family! You said you'd never do this to me. So what is this? huh?"

That was the last thing I wanted to hear that night. But I did. I begged, I wanted to explain myself. But I couldn't. I was the one at fault. Why would she even listen to me?


"My mom..why did you promise her? But hurt me anyway?"

I was speechless. No words formed in my brain as I said the only thing which could have been said,

"I'm..going to go now.I'm sorry for all this"

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