Chapter 8

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He had to lie to the media, that he had an injury due to overworking. But that was not the truth.

Not only his body, his mind, his heart was in pain. He cried himself to bed every night. He tried everything. Everything he could.

He talked to Y/n's mother and explained everything. Thankfully, she understood.

"Give her some time Jimin. She needs time. Time heals everything. I believe you. I believe in both of you. She still loves you and always will be. Don't lose hope. I am there to support you"

He bursted into tears every now and then. After some time, he felt his tears have dried up. He didn't laugh like earlier. He kept quiet and talked less.

This sudden change was seen by the fans too. But nevertheless, from winning awards to having concerts, he poured his heart and soul.

"I... I am so thankful for this award.. I know we say this every time.. But really.. The support ARMYs give us is immense.. I really appreciate it.. These past few months.. have been really difficult for me.. For the members.. This award is the signal that people still care for us, and we need to work harder to make ARMYs happy.. Thank you"

But Y/n was there every time.. As anonymous.. Supporting him, in every concert, award speech. Cheering for him with tears in her eyes.

She used to dress in a manner, to look unnoticeable.. But she was always there...

She noticed how his health has degraded over the months.. She couldn't take it anymore.. The pain inside her was immense, but still it was nothing more than Jimin's..

The fans online, pointed fingers at her and tweeted nasty comments.. Even though it was not "official", Jimin had previously made it very clear about Y/n..

Every time Y/n opened her social media, threats used to haunt her.. The fans understood Jimin, but failed to understand Y/n..

Jimin and the members saw this increasing hate too. And he decided to address it, in their next concert. Publicly.

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