Chapter 9

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"Everyone.. I.. I have been seeing the comments and the words which have been thrown towards the person I love.. I really think that there's a misunderstanding.. Y/n..Y/n had every right to leave me.. I.. I was the one who cheated, who slipped.. Not her.. I deserve every pain she's giving me right now.. It.. It has been over six months.. Since I last saw her, I heard her voice.. I.. request each and everyone present here today, please fill her life with love and not hate.. She had been through enough.. enough of the pain which I have given to her.. Please.. Please be kind.. She's the only woman I can love in my life.. Her happiness is my happiness.. I hope, you all would understand what I am saying right now"

He wanted to say more, but every time he took the mic to his lips, only his sobs could be heard throughout the stadium.. The members hugged him and tried calming him down.. But the professionalism he had, was broken into pieces that day..

This was the first time Y/n saw him like that. Being so broken, he can't control his tears on stage. She thought it was enough.. She had been stretching this thing for too long.

Six months was enough.

She decided to reach out and fix the things ruined.

"Hi.. "

"Hey.. What a surprise.. I didn't expect you calling.. "

"Jimin.. Do you want to come over?"

"Right now?"


"Okay.. I will be there as fast as I can.."

"Be careful.. Don't drive harshly please"

Jimin had a smile and an unknown feeling in his chest, that maybe, maybe he could fix the things finally..

It was 11pm but still he managed to reach Y/n's house.

"Y/n..are you okay?"

"yeah.. I.. I am bad at expressing Jimin but.. I am really sorry.."

He looked at you being confused. For him, he was the one at fault,not Y/n..

"Y/n..don't be sorry.. You have nothing to be sorry for.. You have every right to behave like that.. I was the one who messed up.. Please don't say sorry.."

Y/n listened to him as he nearly blurted out the words. He had a lot to say, and she listened. Y/n realised that he hasn't changed a bit.. He still apologies when there's nothing to be sorry for.

Y/n smiled as she pulled him by collar and kissed him. The sudden action surprised him, so he blinked a few times to realise it was actually happening.

They had a chance. They can start from where they left.

The moment he realised this, he picked her up and pulled her in for a longer kiss. Tears rolled down each other's cheeks and they said sorry in their own way.

"Do you want to go upstairs?"

Y/n giggled as she nudged Jimin's arm.

"Yes.. "

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