Date night

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After all the struggle of setting up numbers of their cells, where they were going, and how long they would be Rett told Angela when to put the kids out for the night and how the payment would be met. They finally got out and into the Range Rover. As soon as their butts hit the seats they both grinned at each other. Rett pulled His seatbelt on saying, "Finally some time to ourselves." River tapped Her seatbelt into place and asked, "How long has it been since we had gotten out?" Rett said while starting the car, "Well if you say that then I might as well curl up in the dog house right now," His laugh added a soft touch to the troubled humor he might get away with. River said again, Rett It's been one whole year, no maybe two, Rett interrupted I thought it's been three?"

River said, "No, no it's been one why can't we find the time for ourselves?" Rett replied, "How can we? we've built busy lives for ourselves me working up blueprints for Habitats for Humanity you handling your looking for work." River said, "I wouldn't say that I would but wouldn't because I feel like I'm not searching hard enough, and I'm putting myself out there but nothing seems to be catching any traction." Rett started heading down the road and headed to the destination continuing the conversation. "But River I have read all your efforts, and they're all good some of the best I've seen honestly you have the talent only some people dream about," River replied, "Ah Rett you know I do believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel." Rett smiled looking at River and said, "Yeah, that is what I like to hear!" River asked Rett, "Now where exactly are we headed?" "Well," Rett replied, "I reserved us a spot at Rebauldies You are going to love it." River said, " Really what's it like?" Rett replied, "Oh, you'll see."

As he said that he pulled up to a little Italian restaurant and said, "I hope you are hungry!" River laughed and said, "Well I couldn't say the same for you 'cause you are the one who ate some of my cooking before we left." While talking they had already exited the car and were headed to the entrance while still talking He tried to save Himself as he held the door for Her He said, "But hunny not all men fit into that category. The one's known as bottomless pits." They made it to the reservation desk and Rett told the odd man who was bald I have reservations for two I believe." The bald man said, "Ok let me look" So He turned to look at the computer mounted to the desk whistling while looking and seeing their names He said, "Ahh you are who again?" Rett said, "The Hastings?" Rett stared at the bald man with a worried look on His face hoping He hadn't been replaced they so desperately needed this time out and together." 

A waitress came up to the man at the desk, She whispered into the desk attendant's ear. She also was bald. And with Rivers' bad habit of staring, She couldn't control Her eyes. Her eyes went straight to the invisibly burned holes in the center of the dome you call the skull with skin-tight life covering known as the epidermis. She didn't know what to make of the situation. She didn't know what to do hide or show Herself. The Attendant said, "Yes here you are Natasha will show you to your seats." As they followed the girl, She asked, " If they were planning anything later that night?" River looked at Rett and Rett looked at River both looked back at Natasha and in unison both said trying not to laugh a simple, "No." As they slid into the booth Natasha said, "Here are you're menus," Pausing in Her words to pass the menus out she asked River and Rett what they would like to drink. They both thought it was a special night. They were low on money so unfortunately they settled with water. They would let the food tantalize their tastebuds. They both looked at the menus when they looked through the descriptions of the food, the names and food had delightful and humorous words. Descriptions would tantalize a mind's tastebuds if the mind had a mouth. Rett as usual had indecision on his mind however River could have the same problem tonight she had made Her mind up to Have spaghetti although She lived in the present. She still felt there was nothing more pure than visiting nostalgia for the good old days of course.

When She was young she ate spaghetti. Pretty soon the waitress came to take their order. River was ready however Rett was not He could not choose between the spaghetti and the linguine. He told the Waitress to come back in a little while He was still deciding. Rett said, "Well I can't decide between spaghetti and linguine." River said, "Pick spaghetti it's a classic." Rett said, "I know and I love it I do but what about linguine? I mean it's good to right?" River said, "Well it could be, hurry up this process is time-sensitive!" Just then the waitress came up pulled out a pen and pad and asked, "Are we ready?" Natasha looked from River to Rett, Rett cleared His throat coughed, and said with a hitch in His throat, "Ladies first!" 

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