The Letter

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       Last night had been comical and crazy as it seemed She tried to put it from Her head but the scene played out like a rolling projector inside Her head. She remembered the night like it was, well last night. The memory is still vivid and as vivid as a television screen. It reminded Her of a sketch straight out of a Saturday night live show called Cone Heads. Just as comical she tried to keep a straight face it was nearly impossible. But as Their waiter and Rett guided her to a table as they sat she saw more waiters and waitresses bald. 

Rett just sat there smiling and asked so what do you think? Smiling even wider as River looked around. Rett relaxed back into his chair as if nothing could be wrong about the balds wandering around Rebauldes. River leaned in the direction of Rett motioning for Him to lean in as he leaned closer to His true love She tried to whisper but instead it came out in a forced hissing sound as She said how did you hear about this place? As he placed the napkin on His lap He leaned back into His seat and said my coworker told me it was great to eat at and would bring a smile to my face but I had no idea how much as he stifled a laugh. 

 The next day She got up early and grabbed the paper before anyone in the house was awake. As She looked in the wanted ads She was the bird and the paper was the worn She focused on the writing ads and circled several then reached for the phone but sighed in remembrance of the kids and husband sleeping in precarious positions frustration showed its ugly mug but flew away as a smile took its place as She Imagined the positions they could be taking. Then she happened to eye the cookie jar and thought according to the cat clock it was seven usually He got up at seven as She sat at the kitchen table the old dining table and chairs that sent a reminiscent aww of country sentiment them being made of wood both whitewashed and beat with a chain to give it that used for a long time look. Again with that chancy word, it was a dicey chance but She calmly walked over to the cookie jar and quietly fished the letter out. Quickly but quietly She began to read.

River, It's James I know I mentioned something to that lady that I gave my letter to you hopefully a friend. Something I've been trying to be for years now... I've been following you closely now you make me smile when I think of our future as friends as far as you though you keep playing a real honest hard to catch hard to make friends. But then when you come within range my magnetic seeker goes broke as If the batteries ran out. Do you keep the phone turned on at around six pm you know that is when my mind thinks of you. When I most want to talk to you I don't know how to break it to your husband but our sleight-of-hand meetings can't go on like this, believe it or not, I have been working with Rett. I see the way He looks when He mentions you He speaks of you always as if You're in the room not a bad word of you ever. Will it ever come to the point of meeting in the flesh? He has you but holds me back keeping me from reaching you. I'm starting to get discouraged I know you have to be. I see you at the coffee shop all the time I know that's your hideout a way to get away from it all but you know this chase is real but also a struggle. Don't ask me how I know but quit looking for a job I have a great offer for you. Not only is it a job but it's like this huge supportive family, Well anyway you have a pursuit of friendship that wants to invite you in. Know no matter what you think we aren't here to hurt you friends aren't like that when we see a good diamond we'll pay anything no matter how high we have to bet we have all bet all we have you are a perfect addition. Anyway, let's keep trying to meet let's not give up haha then again you know all about perseverance. Love Infinity is your nickname shh my nickname for you don't tell anyone because I'm spreading it around. Okay, I have much more to say but I won't be able to talk unendingly until we meet. So until then don't make a move unless it's towards me. Always watching and waiting P.S. Other guys are interested in giving you offers let me be the first though, please.

Now she had stopped drinking in every word like the travelers from the Oregon trail when they had just found a fresh spring. The sound of pitter-patter little feet sounded in the hall in shock River looked up at the cookie jar with wide eyes wondering if she could make it then came up with an answer when Andre grabbed Her hand and at the letter. He said Mama what's this? She looked at the clock and realized Rett could come out of their bedroom any moment and wonder about the letter as well. She needed to confront Rett about the letter until the time was right though She would let it remain a secret. So She replied to Her son it's just a letter honey and quickly put it back in the cookie jar.

 Rett came around into the kitchen with Celia on his hip River concealed the look of fear with a small smile cheerfully saying good morning. Rett asked River if She could hold Celia because He had left His cell in the car River replied ya and the child was passed. Rett walked out the door and made a beeline to the car along the way He heard one of the mother cows mooing and sounding troubled and stressed. So He went to investigate upon reaching the mother cow Rett noticed it was the one mother He was watching for His Brother because She had the A with a circle branded near the rear. All His cattle had four-leaf clovers. Then he spoke to the cow hey Bessy I thought your baby calf Shela was around here where is She? He held onto the log of the fence and looked as he traveled around his fence looking for the baby cow. Then he came to a sandy patch of ground. Seeing tracks He knelt to take a closer look He saw the calf tracks leading into the woods that didn't concern Him too much, and then it hit Him He did see that cougar last night knowing the mother and calf were His Brothers first experience with cows He didn't want to let Him down all He knew was He had to go after the calf. 

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